J.L. Smit!, H. Rüther! and E. Siebrits?
! Department of Surveying and Geodetic Engineering
University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, 7700, South Africa
Phone: +27-21 650-3577; Fax: +27-21-650 3572
? Stimulation Engineering Applications
Schlumberger Dowell, Inc.
P.O. Box 2710, Tulsa, OK 74101, U.S.A.
Phone: +91-918-250 4296; Fax: +91-918-250 9323
KEY WORDS: Digital Photogrammetry, Matching, Edge Detection, Deformation Analysis, Underground Mining.
The determination of three-dimensional (XYZ) co-ordinates of a textured surface, represented by densely spaced individual points,
by means of digital photogrammetric techniques, is reported. The method is applied to the measurement of the three-dimensional
changes that occur on the rock face in a deep-level underground mine, due to a pre-conditioning blast. Digital Photogrammetric
techniques applied are discussed and a sample of the results is presented. The sub-millimetre accuracies required for the deformation
analysis were achieved.
1. INTRODUCTION and constrained, the typical working area is not higher than
0.5m to 1m and thus provides a good opportunity to
The deep-level gold mines on the Witwatersrand (South demonstrate the flexibility and accuracy of digital
Africa) are located at depths of over 3,000 m below surface. photogrammetry in restrictive environments. This paper
The gold ore is located in extensive tabular reefs, kilometres provides a brief description of the procedures followed in
in extent, but only a few centimetres thick. Mining obtaining the desired measurements of the rock face to be
excavations are thus also tabular, hundreds of metres in evaluated and presents a sample of the results achieved in this
extent, and less than 1 metre in height. The tabular shape of regard.
these excavations or panels, plus the large overburden, result
in extensive mining induced stress changes in the rock mass In order to generate the three dimensional (XYZ) object space
surrounding them. With each advance of the mine face, co-ordinates for the points of interest, which represent the
sudden changes in the rock stresses occur. This results in surface to be mapped, the following steps were taken:
sudden fracturing of the exposed surfaces of the excavation,
with accompanied deformation. In some mining panels, it is - Establishment of a Reference System
desirable to "pre-condition" or soften the rock mass ahead of
the face by pre-fracturing it with large blasts. This has the - Image Acquisition
effect of pushing the critical stress field deeper into the rock
mass, alleviating some of the fracturing and hazardous - Camera Position Location
deformations in the vicinity of the excavation.
- Feature Extraction
From a research perspective, it is desirable to quantify the
deformations of the face due to blasts in order to better - Image Matching
understand their effect on the fracture patterns that develop.
Digital photogrammetry is an ideal method that can be - Space Intersection
employed to monitor these deformations. The necessary
photogrammetric equipment is portable and easy to use - Deformation Analysis
underground, where conditions are extreme with
temperatures as high as 40 deg C and humidity close to 100 The details of each of these procedures are discussed in the
percent. Digital photogrammetric techniques are highly following.
accurate, and can be used to detect quite small
three-dimensional changes. Furthermore, a digital elevation
model, of the new fractures that develop on the face due to a 2. REFERENCE CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM
blast, can be produced as part of the photogrammetric
process. As in all deformation surveys, the maintenance of a reference
co-ordinate system for the duration of the survey is
The underground mining environment is especially hazardous paramount. Due to the nature of the underground mining
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996