Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

3.1.2 Co-ordination of the reference control frame must 
be done prior the survey. The reference control frame defines 
the co-ordinate system for the stope and must thus be defined 
to the highest degree of accuracy. The following steps are 
taken in calculating the object space co-ordinates of the 
centres of the circular retro-reflective targets on the reference 
- Image Capture 
- Distance Measurement 
- Target Location and Identification 
- Free Bundle Adjustment 
The pre-calibrated camera is used to capture a series of 
images of the reference frame from differing perspectives. In 
addition to the images, the precise measurement of at least 
one distance between extreme target centres is required. This 
distance will provide the constraint of scale on the 
photogrammetric determination of the co-ordinates of the 
target centres. The precision of the distance measurement 
carried out with a micrometer was better than 0.5mm. This 
was sufficient in spite of the transfer of the scale from the 
small frame to the 10m rock face of the study case. It should 
be noted that the required accuracy refers to relative 
displacement in individual portions of the wall, as opposed to 
an overall absolute accuracy. 
Target centres are then located by an image analysis process 
which calculates the centre-of-gravity of the pixel grey levels 
in a window defined around the target by a thresholding 
process. Identification of the target, i.e. the association of the 
targets with the correct number in the co-ordinate list, is semi- 
automated. An initial eight targets are manually identified, 
after which an automated identification process relying on a 
direct linear transformation (DLT) resection calculation 
locates the remaining control frame targets. This process 
relies on a list containing the co-ordinates of all control points, 
where initial estimates of their object space co-ordinates to the 
nearest centimetre are sufficient. 
The final co-ordinates of the targets are calculated by means 
of a free bundle adjustment. Initial approximation of the 
exterior orientation parameters (perspective centre and 
rotation angles) are provided by the DLT calculation for the 
identification of the targets, as described above. The pre- 
calibrated camera parameters (principal distance, principal 
point and lens distortion parameters) are held fixed in the 
bundle solution. 
3.2 Image Capture 
Once in the stope, the reference co-ordinate system must be 
established and the camera prepared for use, before images 
can be captured. 
As the environment of the stope is extremely hot and humid, 
an on-site acclimatization period is required for the 
equipment. In practise it was found that at least half and hour 
exposure to stope conditions was needed to free the camera 
lens and all electronic components of condensation 
The reference co-ordinate system is established by attaching 
the reference control frame to a suitable support pack (Figure 
1), at one end ofthe rock face to be measured. To achieve the 
geometric stability required for sub-millimetre determination 
of the rock face digital elevation model, a high degree of 
redundant images were captured. To cover the 10m long and 
1m high rock face under investigation, a total of 60 images 
was taken, including those necessary for the transfer from the 
reference frame to the wall. In this way each surface point 
was covered by an average of 6 images. The pre-analysis 
showed that a sufficiently strong geometry for the overall 
image formation could only be guaranteed by a set of control 
points in front of the rock face. This was realised by 
introducing target poles with circular targets, evenly 
distributed in an area covering a band of approximately 1m 
ahead of the face. These points only functioned as tie points 
and could therefore be placed independently for the pre- and 
post-blast photography. 
Once the images have been captured, both before and after 
the pre-conditioning blast event, the following steps are 
needed to extract the relevant rock surface co-ordinates for 
the deformation analysis. 
- Camera Position Location 
- Feature Extraction 
- Image Matching 
- Space Intersection 
4.1 Camera Position Location 
Before the features on the rock surface can be analysed, it is 
necessary to determine the location and orientation of the 
camera setups in object space, as defined by the reference co- 
ordinate system. These parameters, the exterior orientation 
parameters, w/x/¢ (rotation angles about the X/Y/Z axes) 
and X/Y JZ. (perspective centre object space co-ordinates of 
the camera's position) are determined by means of direct 
linear transformations followed by bundle adjustment 
calculations for each of the camera stations in turn. 
4.1.1 Direct Linear Transformation (DLT): The initial 
estimation of the camera exterior orientation parameters and 
tie point positions are determined by means of a sequential 
"folding-out, folding-in" DLT model. In an initial step, at least 
six reference frame points are needed to determine the first 
camera position. The DLT employed for this stage provides 
exterior orientation parameters as well as the DLT 
transformation co-efficients. These transformation co- 
efficients are then used to evaluate the tie point positions 
which provide reference points for the next camera position. 
This resection-intersection sequence was originally intended 
to be executed throughout the whole model, until 
approximation values for all camera position and orientations 
are determined for a subsequent complete bundle adjustment. 
However, in practise, it proved necessary even at this 
preparatory stage to execute sub-block bundle adjustments for 
due to excessive error propagation. 
4.1.2 Bundle Adjustment: The complete bundle adjustment 
includes all of the data in a combined adjustment and allows 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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