Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

for the inclusion of the pre-calibrated interior orientation 
parameters of the camera as constraints to the adjustment; 
also held fixed are the reference frame co-ordinates. 
Average precisions obtained over five full image sets of the 
area taken at different times and in different condition are: 
Ox oy oX oY oZ 
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 
0.002 0.002 0.5 0.5 0.8 
4.2 Feature Extraction 
To generate a digital elevation model of the surface a dense 
cloud of points needs be extracted from the images. Such 
points can be found on the basis of changes in the texture of 
the image. They are automatically extracted from a "target" 
image by means of an interest operator after which conjugate 
points on the other images of the same scene are located by 
image matching. 
4.2.1 Image Filtering: As some of the images may provide 
a too uniformly textured surface, in terms of their grey level 
contrast, they may need to be enhanced to provide greater 
contrast. This is best done using a High-Pass filter algorithm 
(Lim, 1984) so as to enhance the high frequency, edge 
components, of the image and filter out the low frequency, 
uniformly textured components. The result of the filtering 
process is an output image which is visibly sharper and 
contains greater localised contrast in image texture. 
4.2.2 Interest Operators: In the selection of points of 
interest, which represent the surface being measured, point 
density must be balanced against the high demand on 
computational time during the image matching process. The 
number of selected points must be sufficient to accurately 
represent the surface while avoiding unnecessary point 
density leading to unacceptable computational times. Original 
tests showed that unwanted point accumulations can occur in 
local areas as a result of unsuitable interest operators. In order 
to optimise this process three interest operators were 
Firstly, the Canny Interest Operator (Canny, 1986) uses an 
approximation to the first derivative of the Gaussian function 
to generate a convolution kernel. The Canny kernel is 
convolved in both x and y-directions in the image. Due to the 
nature of the Gaussian function, the Canny operator has a 
smoothing effect that tends to eliminate noise and low 
magnitude edges in the image. 
Secondly, the Sobel Interest Operator (Haralick, 1992) is 
of similar form to the Canny operator, but does not provide 
any smoothing. The Sobel filter is unidirectional in two 
dimensions and is convolved in both image directions. 
Lastly, the method of determination of the Maximum 
Gradient (van der Vlugt, 1994) makes use of the 
neighbouring pixels surrounding the pixel of interest to locate 
the magnitude and direction of the maximum gradient (edge 
vector) at the pixel of interest. Figure 2 gives a diagrammatic 
description of the algorithm used for the method of maximum 
gradient location. 
1 2 3 
4 « »6 
Figure 2 - Maximum Gradient Filter 
(2, -8,) 
gradient = i=1-4, j=9-6 (1) 
The edge information derived from the convolution of the 
images with the operators provides edge strength for all three 
cases, where an user-selected threshold value rejects weak 
edge points. For the Canny and Sobel operators, edge 
directions are found by forming gradient vectors from the x 
and y convolution values for each selected edge point, while 
the maximum gradient operator directly provides edge 
directions to the nearest 45 degrees. Selected edge points 
form the centre of resampled linear pixel arrays for subpixel 
edge detection based on the preservation of moments 
method (Mikhail, 1984). 
The results of the application of the three edge operators to 
the rock surface images did not make it possible to 
conclusively select one as most suitable for the surface 
texture of the stope face. Local variations in the structure of 
the surface responded differently to the three operators and 
no systematic behaviour could be established. It was therefore 
decided to apply all three operators to each of the images and 
to rely on inspection and point count to select the best 
resulting point cloud. 
4.3 Image Matching 
Once the points of interest have been detected in the "target" 
image, they need to be "matched" with corresponding points 
in the "search" (conjugate) images in order to calculate their 
object space co-ordinates. This is the most computationally 
extensive and complex of digital photogrammetric tasks and 
warrants closer investigation. 
Image matching has been approached in two distinct but 
interlinked processes. Epipolar geometry supplies estimates 
to the initial image co-ordinates of the corresponding points 
in the conjugate images (Wong, 1986). This is followed up be 
least squares, grey-scale matching (Gruen, 1988) to 
determine the final matching image positions. 
4.3.1 Epipolar Geometry: In order to find the corresponding 
points in conjugate images with no a-priori knowledge of the 
search patch positions, epipolar geometry is used to initialise 
the search. Figure 3 below shows the basic principle of 
epipolar geometry as a tool in image matching. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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