Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

influence of different needle loss symptoms on the 
spectral signal is generally lower and is masked by the 
influence of varying stand densities. The influence of tree 
age and illumination is significant in each band. But by 
using synergetic effects of band 4 and 5 this influence 
can be reduced. 
The separation of different neddle loss categories is not 
possible in stands with crown closure less than 60%. 
Crown closure below 60% is mostly caused by forest 
damage and exeptionally a result of regular forest 
management. Therefore, the damage class definition 
used in the LAOE is very suitable for describing the 
whole range of damage symptoms (opening up and 
needle loss). 
Classification accuracy 
The verification of the results was carried out with 
differing methods among the projects. Terrestrical ground 
data and aerial photo interpretation was used for the 
assessment of accuracy. In the Harz project for example 
the accuracy of the classification of the 4 standwise 
needle loss classes is about 70%. The combination of the 
classes C0, C1 and C2, C3 gave an accuracy of 84%. In 
the other test sites the average accuracy of the needle 
loss classification was above 89%. The classification of 
the three openening up classes can be performed with an 
accuracy of over 90%. 
of d tru 
It has been shown that the methodology of the definition 
of representative training areas for the damage classes is 
the most crucial point which influencing the classification 
result. It is necessary to collect the ground truth data in 
such a manner that the stands or training areas can be 
directly categorised into the harmonised damage classes. 
Harmonisation must already be started by collecting the 
ground truth data. The verification areas have to be 
defined with the same procedure. 
The interpretation of aerial photos is best suite for a 
precise definition of ground truth. 
Recent and realistic forest damage maps with 
harmonised forest damage classes did not exist at 
regional scales until now. The presented project has 
demonstrated the value of satellite based remote sensing 
data for forest monitoring, in particular for assessing 
forest damage areas, where rapid changes in stand 
conditions occur. 
The satellite based remote sensed data is usable for 
forest health status detection. It has been demonstrated 
in all the individual investigations of the LAOE that the 
reflected radiation recorded by the sensor of Landsat-TM 
is affected by changes of forest health status. Satellite 
remote sensing has been proven as an appropriate tool 
for monitoring forest condition by measuring the spectral 
characteristics associated with changes in vegetation 
health and destruction of forest canopy. 
So the classification results can be used as a first phase 
of small scale inventories. Additional investigations by the 
means of aerial photos or field measurements can be 
performed in order to obtain more detailed information on 
the level of forest damage. The satellite classification can 
provide information for the selection of areas, in which 
those detailed inventories have to be carried out. 
The digital data sets and maps elaborated in the course 
of the LAOE can serve as basis for future change 
detection studies and for the installation of a long-term 
monitoring system. The results of the project are 
comparable among the countries and provide planners at 
national and regional level with relevant data for their 
decisions. Especially valuable is the ability to control the 
effects of already initiated counter measures against the 
enormous pollution problems. 
With the remote sensing methodology developed in this 
project it is generally possible to complement terrestrial 
and aerial photography damage assessments. In the 
Czech Republic the method is also used operationally for 
providing foresters with information they need. on local 
The advantages of using satellite data include: 
e large area coverage that allows mapping of the 
spatial extent of forest damages, 
e extended spectral coverage improves measurement 
capabilities for assessing the health status of 
e archived data sets allow change-over-time studies of 
forest stand conditions. 
The remote sensing methodology developed in the 
project should be brought to the consideration of all 
European bodies dealing with the assessment of forest 
condition, as a complement to current methodologies. 
The methodology should be brought to the attention of 
the bodies monitoring the implementation of and in 
compliance with the Convention on Biological Diversity as 
well as the UNCED Forest Principles, as a complement 
to current methodologies. 
The results of the project should be brought to the 
attention of the governments of Central and Eastern 
Europe, the progress of Ministerial Conferences on the 
Protection of Forests in Europe, the task force for the 
implementation of the Pan-European Biological and 
Landscape Diversity Strategy, the CSD International 
Panel on Forests and the scientific community dealing 
with global change. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996. 
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