Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Jochen Schiewe 
Institute for Photogrammetry and Engineering Surveys, University of Hannover, Germany 
Nienburger Str. 1, 30167 Hannover 
e-mail: schiewe @ ipi.uni-hannover.de 
Commission IV, Working Group 2 
KEY WORDS: Mapping, Matching, Stereoscopic Imagery, Electrooptical Scanner, MOMS-02 
Due to its high resolution and the along-track stereoscopy capability the electro-optical scanner MOMS-02 is considered 
as possible data source for creating and revising topographical databases at medium scales. The essential aspects con- 
cerning its actual suitability - i.e., operational features, geometrical accuracies as well as the inherent information content 
- are examined within this contribution. 
The status of a world-wide and up-to-date coverage with 
spatial databases in digital or analogue form is not satisfy- 
ing yet. One longterm solution for this problem could be 
the use of space-borne electro-optical scanners as an 
alternative data source. At this, one of the latest and most 
promising sensor developments is the German Modular 
Opto-electronic Multispectral Stereo Scanner in its second 
version (MOMS-02) which was sucessfully flown for exper- 
imental purposes during des D2-Spacelab mission in 1993 
(MOMS-02/D2) and which shall be employed for a pre- 
operational use from 1996 on when it will be put on the 
"Priroda"-module of the Russian MIR-station (MOMS-02/ 
The MOMS-02 system is described in detail by Seige and 
MeiBner (1993). It offers two major advantages which 
make it a valueable data source for photogrammetrical 
and cartographical applications. Firstly, it has ground pixel 
sizes of 4.5 m (MOMS-02/D2) or 6 m (MOMS-02/P) for 
one High-Resolution (HR) nadir looking panchromatic 
channel and 13.5 m (D2) or 18 m (P) for the other pan- 
chromatic and four multispectral channels. Secondly, the 
existence of two tilted panchromatic channels - forward 
(FW) and backward (BW) looking with angles of plus and 
minus 21.49, resp. - in combination with the HR-channel 
allows for a up to three-fold along-track stereoscopy. At 
present these features are unique within in the field of civil- 
ian space sensors. In comparison, the operational SPOT- 
system offers ground pixels down to 10 m and across- 
track stereoscopy only. 
Evaluations of the MOMS-02 data are performed by a sci- 
ence team which consists of a couple of German university 
institutes. Research aspects within the digital photogram- 
metrical group are the orientation determination by means 
of orbit modelling (Ohlhof, 1995), automatic matching and 
the derivation of Digital Elevation Models (Schneider and 
Hahn, 1995) and the evaluation of the cartographical 
potential as well as the actual creation and revision of spa- 
tial databases (Schiewe, 1995). 
This contribution will focus only on the data potential of 
MOMS-02 in terms of operational aspects (chapter 2), 
geometrical accuracies (chapter 3) and the inherent infor- 
mation content (chapter 4). 
The suitability of a system concerning its operational 
aspects can be inspected in terms of the spatial and tem- 
poral coverage. 
The spatial coverage describes the position and extent of 
data recordings. Regarding the accessible positions 
MOMS-02/D2 was limited to the low inclination of + 28.5° 
of the Space Shuttle carrier. MOMS-02/P will be able to 
cover areas up to latitudes of + 51.6° which is still less 
compared to other systems like SPOT or Landsat TM 
which operate in sun-synchronous orbits. - Generally the 
recorded swath width serves as a measure for the spatial 
extent. Due to data recording and transmission reasons all 
MOMS-02 channels cannot be operated simultaneously. 
The resulting operation modes for the Priroda-mission are 
listed in table 1. The graphical representation of the 
ground pixel size versus the swath width in comparison to 
other operational and proposed sensors (figure 1) eluci- 
dates that especially with the MOMS-02 stereo mode A the 
emphasis is laid on a comparable good swath width. 
Multisp. channels | Pan. channels 
Mode width 
B|G|R|IR|HR | FW | BW 
A m « w 50 km 
B HE BEE NR 105 km 
C | SE 58(36) km 
D m 9 = = 105 km 
Table 1: Operation modes of MOMS-02/P 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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