Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

e The relationship in applies if the former element is 
completely contained in the latter one. This relation- 
ship is transitiv and applies to all geometric elements. 
e The relationship cross applies for the line/line, 
line/area as well as for the line/body, area/body sit- 
e The relationship overlap applies if the result of the 
intersection is of the same dimension as the two par- 
ticipating elements. 
e The relationship disjoint expresses that no common 
set exists. 
In [Báhr, 1992] as well as in [Gapp, 1994] more predicates 
are defined based on projective relations like above or behind. 
Predicates of distance (e.g. near)or of order (e.g. between) 
are also possible to implement. 
The 2D predicates are realized mainly by the methods 
surrounds??() and segpoint.near??(). Using coordinate 
transforms and projections this methods can be used for the 
computation of most of the 3D predicates. 
Apart from predicates there are also object generating op- 
erators (e.g. the results of intersections) and measurement 
functions (e.g. the distance function). The distance will be 
calculated at the level of and as a method of coordinates 
(distance.to(another) resp. distance to line(a line)). 
4.4 Representation in 3D 
To display 3D objects considerable more complex algorithms 
have to be used than those which are necessary to display 
two-dimensional data. A 3D graphic program like Geomview 
can be applied to minimize the costs of the implementation 
and maximize the abilities of the conceive system. Changes 
of viewpoints, rotation, scaling and selection of geoobjects 
is thereby feasible without much effort. In the case of using 
Geomview communication is possible in both direction. 
Figure 5: Display of the landscape by Geomview 
5 Summary 
The three steps to a successful 3D implementation in an 
existing 2.5D GIS are 
e an additional data model for 3D data, 
e methods to convert 3D data into 2D data to apply 
2D operations and 
e an external interactive 3D viewer for displaying 3D en- 
Most GIS products will not allow extensions of that kind. 
With Smallworld GIS we took advantage of the open object- 
oriented interactive environment to try a possible implemen- 
tation. The algorithm to transform all geometric objects has 
already been implemented. Also methods have been imple- 
mented to control Geomview and receive in turn information 
about selected geometry. 
Further work has to be done to implement the complete 
data model to test its fitness and implement some more op- 
Bähr, U. [1992], Untersuchungen zu räumlichen Abfrage- 
sprachen, Diplomarbeit, TU München. 
Egenhofer, M. J. and Franzosa, R. D. [1991], ‘Point-set topo- 
logical spatial relations’, International Journal of Geo- 
graphical Information Systems 5(2), 161-174. 
Gapp, K.-P. [1994], A computational model of the basic 
meanings of graded composite spatial relations in 3d 
space, in Molenaar and de Hoop [1994], pp. 66-79. 
Molenaar, M. and de Hoop, S., eds [1994], Advanced Geo- 
graphic Data Modelling, number 40 in ‘Publications on 
Geodesy’, Netherlands Geodetic Commision. 
Rumbaugh, J., Plaha, M., Premerlani, W., Eddy, F. and 
Lorensen, W. [1991], Objektorientiertes Modellieren 
und Entwerfen, Prentice-Hall International and Verlag 
Carl Hanser. 
van Oosterom, P., Vertegaal, W., van Hekken, M. and Vi- 
jlbrief, T. [1994], Integrated 3d modelling within a gis, 
in Molenaar and de Hoop [1994], pp. 80-95. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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