Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

in ori- 
)ot on 
® the planetographic longitude X, this is the angle bet- 
ween the meridian through P and the prime meridian 
(\' = 0) through the crater Airy-0 (A' counts positive 
towards the west). 
It is obvious that A' and A. complement each other to 360°, 
whereas ¢' and © are more or less similar values. 
The reference surface for mapping will be a spheroid, i.e. a 
bi-axial ellipsoid. 
Axis of rotation S Tangent to ellipse at P' 
Normal to 
> P ellipse at P' 
a h 
5 , 
: PAM 
S R ~ 
2 < 
Equator of the planet 9 q 
Equatorial radius 
Fig. 4: Planetocentric latitude © 
and planetographic latitude q' of a point P 
3.3 Definition of heights 
It is still more difficult to define a reference system for height 
measurements, i.e. as an elevation reference level for DTM's 
and for the derivation of contour lines in maps. From a theo- 
retical point of view an equipotential surface — such as the 
geoid on Earth — is supposed to be the best solution. How- 
ever, the field of gravity on Mars is much more irregular than 
the geoid and its present knowledge is still very weak. It is 
therefore not sufficient for the definition of a height reference 
On the other hand, the use of a mathematically defined re- 
ference surface offers some practical advantages. In 
particular it makes the height system independent from im- 
proved knowledge of the gravity field, and transformation 
between different coordinate systems is easy to handle. The 
most appropriate mathematical surface for this purpose is a 
tri-axial ellipsoid, which fits to the irregular shape of the planet 
significantly better than a bi-axial one. This is why it was 
decided to use DTM heights based on a tri-axial ellipsoid, 
with the height measured along the radius to the center of 
the planet. 
This definiton implies that heights are not measured along 
a plumb line as we do on Earth, and that theoretically (virtual) 
water could run up-hill. However, the differences are esti- 
mated to be very small, and it is unlikely that this effect will 
ever be cartographically important. 
In order to provide a wide range of different photogrammetric 
and cartographic products a comprehensive and mostly 
automated processing line has been set up. It is coordinated 
by the Photogrammetry and Cartograpy Working Group 
(PCWG) of this camera experiment under the chairmanship 
of Prof. Jórg Albertz, Technical University of Berlin (TUB). 
Software development has to consider that the image 
formats of the HRSC and WAOSS data are fundamentally 
different from common sensor sytems. Different comman- 
ding strategies allow many variations within one imaging 
sequence, which makes the development of adequate 
software components complicated. Variable aspects within 
one data set are the starting sample positions on CCD, the 
number of samples per line and the pixel resolutions because 
of the elliptical orbit and also the formation of so-called 
4.1 Photogrammetric Point Determination 
The photogrammetric investigations in order to generate high 
accurate orbit and attitude information derived by photo- 
grammetric bundle block adjustment are guided by Prof. 
Heinrich Ebner, Technical University Munich (TUM). This 
fundamental basis for all further processing operations will 
be generated using the original orbit and attitude data as 
well as the data of the existing horizontal and vertical control 
In order to prepare for this task computer a great deal of 
simulations on block triangulation have been performed to 
obtain a survey of the attainable accuracy and to give re- 
commendations in the planning phase of the Mars96 mission. 
Comprehensive simulations on local, regional and global 
point determination based on HRSC and WAOSS imagery 
and orbit parameters as well have been conducted by Ohlhof 
It turned out that local point determination from HRSC data 
can be considerably improved if the two photometric chan- 
nels of the camera are incorporated into the bundle adjust- 
Regional and especially global point determination greatly 
benefit from the combination of HRSC and WAOSS imagery. 
For the root mean square values of theoretical standard 
deviations of adjusted object point coordinates the relations 
in Table 2 were derived. 
Camera x/y z 
HRSC (3 CCD lines) 9.1m 28.7m 
WAOSS (3 CCD lines) 42.2m 82.6 m 
HRSC + WAOSS (3+3 CCD lines) 
* all points 28.7m 56.1m 
e HRSC + WAOSS points 3.4m 13.8 m 
* WAOSS points 36.0 m 69.9 m 
Table 2: Rms values of theoretical standard deviations 
of adjusted object point coordinates 
(from Ohlhof 1995) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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