Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Differences: In the case of model generalization, the iden- 
tification of the objects is already given (e.g. buildings, 
parcels of land, streets). Thus the learning starts al- 
ready with objects instead of mere polygons. However 
in the course of the learning it might become necessary 
to create new or intermediate objects. In this way the 
interpretation capability can be exploited as well. 
After an introduction in the importance of multiple represen- 
tations in GIS, some of the problems when generating such 
descriptions were presented. Special emphasis was put on 
the transition between different levels of detail. This has been 
identified as a learning problem in multiple representation. 
Starting from a similar approach in image interpretation, a 
concept for the learning of generalization rules was pre- 
sented. This transfer is possible since both domains base on 
a description of objects in terms of an object-class hierarchy 
with complex object relations. Depending on the type of ob- 
ject and its methods, different actions can take place. These 
actions in the first case help to identify and interpret the ob- 
jects, in the second case they are applied for the derivation 
of other levels of detail. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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