Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

The purpose of the practical work was to test the state of 
the art of the digital image mapping model discussed 
before, and it meant to analyze the capability and 
possibility of applying the automatic DTM generation 
methods from stereopairs of SPOT imagery intended for 
1:50 000 scale image maps.The experiment was an 
automatic DEM generation, performed on a stereopair of 
SPOT imagery (panchromatic, level 1A) covering a hilly 
area geographically located in the Aix-en-Provence region 
in the south of France. 
Due to some limitations caused by imperfection of devices 
and lack of accurate knowledge about parameters involved 
in automatic DEM generation function it is still doubtful 
whether this method will satisfy all necessary height 
information specifications required for image mapping at 
scale 1:50,000. 
However, regarding the scale of the image map e.g. 
1:50,000 and a contour interval of about 10 to 20 m (for arid 
area), it can be concluded that the final image map must 
have the planimetric accuracy about 10 to 15 m (i.e. (0.2 to 
0.3)*50,000/1000- 10 to 15 m) and altimetric accuracy 
(contours) about 3 to 7 m (i.e. 0.3 * (10 to 20) 2 3 to 7 m). 
Therefore, the question to be answered is " Does the 
automatic DEM generation method provide height 
information, accurate enough for both, differential 
rectification of image, reaching to the 10 to 15 m planimetric 
accuracy, and also contour line generation. To answer this 
question the SPOT panchromatic stereopair (level 1A) and 
the infomap 3142 at scale 1:25,000 provide the primary 
information. The processing is applied to an image dataset 
of 20000*10000 elements 200 km? on the ground. The 
10*10 m grid automatic DEM is generated, and will be used 
to correct the image data, and be compared with DEM 
generated from contours. 
The 20 m interval manual height measurement on 
TRASTER T10 analogue stereo plotter along three different 
lines within the area should be accomplished to obtain three 
different profiles. This is done to find out the systematic 
error on automatic generated DEM. The 10 m interval 
contour lines of the 1:25,000 scale topoplot will be digitized 
to produce Digital Elevation Model. The DEM will be used: 
to evaluate the relative accuracy of automatic generated 
4.1 Quality assessment of DEM generated automatically 
The purpose of this section first is to evaluate the quality of 
automatic generated DEM by analysis of statistical result of 
residuals among two DEM, Automatic one and reference 
DEM which has been generated by digitizing contours. The 
Second purpose is to evaluate the planimetric differences 
between two orthoimages rectified from left and right 
stereopair with automatic generated DEM. In fact, There 
should be no planimetric differences between same objects 
being found in two orthoimages from left and right, if the 
DEM applied in rectification had been accurate enough. 
4.2 Altimetric accuracy evaluation 
To evaluate the two DEM, 1500 points along three different 
lines with interval 20 meters had been selected and the 
differences in height between corresponding points in each 
line were calculated. 
Subsequently, the results of this computation are as follows: 
Statistical result of comparing 3 profile on both DEM 
Mean value of Standard 
residuals deviation of the 
Profile 1 6.5 8.5m 
profile 2 8.2 8.7m 
Profile 3 3.2 10.2 m 
Table 8.2 Statistical results of differences on three profile 
derived from DEM generated automatically and DEM 
generated from digitizing contours 
According to (Imhof, 1982) , it is obvious that the all 
differences have same direction therefore a systematic error 
exists. To find out the sources of this systematic errors. It 
was decided to measure the same profile by manual 
method with TRASTER T10 just by putting the floating mark 
on the ground on the same points that we had the height 
from two existed DEM, and then compute the statistical 
results for profiles driven from contours and from manual 
Subsequently, the results of this computation are as follows: 
Statistical result of comparing 3 profile 
Mean value of | Standard deviation 
residuals of the residuals 
Profile 1 3.02 m 8.8m 
Profile 2 -0.35 m 9.04 m 
Profile 3 -0.60 m 8.3m 
Table 4.2 Statistical results of differences on three profile 
measured directly on stereo plotter and Three derived from 
DEM generated from digitizing contours 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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