Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

This is 
> of ste- MARS 1:200 000«. International Archives of Photogram- 
ut also metry and Remote Sensing, Vienna, Austria, Vol. XXXI, Com- 
etwork. mission IV. 
lanet in 
Neukum, G. et al., 1995. The Multiple Line Scanner Camera 
Experiment for the Russion Mars 96 Mission: Status Report 
ing the and Prospects for the Future. Photogrammetric Week '95 
scales (Eds. D. Fritsch & D. Hobbie), Wichmann, Heidelberg, pp. 
5 to be 45-61. 
Ohlhof, T., 1995. Lokale, regionale und globale Punkt- 
bestimmung mit Bild- und Bahninformation der Mars96-Mis- 
w map sion. Deutsche Geodátische Kommission, Reihe C, Nr. 445, 
sriment Munich, 139 p. 
ata the ; : : 
series. Ohlhof, T., 1996. Local, Regional and Global Point Determi- 
nation using Three-Line Imagery and Orbital Constraints. 
ap and 
ap ang International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sen- 
sing, Vienna, Austria, Vol. XXXI, Commission lll. 
usoidal Scholten, F., 1996. Automated Generation of Coloured Ortho- 
jection images and Image Mosaics Using HRSC and WAOSS Image 
» polar Data of the Mars96 Mission. International Archives of 
p ad in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vienna, Austria, Vol. 
jon has XXXI, Commission lll. 
ns Uebbing, R., 1996. An Automated Digital Approach for the 
dolar: Generation of Digital Terrain Models Using HRSC and 
E WAOSS Image Data of the Mars96 Mission. International 
atitude : 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vienna, 
ı terms ; EL: 
Austria, Vol. XXXl, Commission lll. 
)0 map 
Wewel, F., 1996. Determination of Conjugate Points of 
dows Stereoscopic Three Line Scanner Data of Mars 96 Mission. 
‚maps International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sen- 
OD sing, Vienna, Austria, Vol. XXXI, Commission lll. 
pts are 
« ope- 
ley are 
id Prof. Acknowledgements 
The contributions of the Photogrammetry and Cartography 
Working Group members and in particular of Mrs. Marita 
Wáhlisch from DLR (Institute for Planetary Exploration) in 
Berlin-Adlershof are gratefully acknowledged. 
no The HRSC/WAOSS camera experiment on the Mars96 Mis- 
an sion is sponsored by the German Space Agency (DARA). 
1e pro- 
a great 
) make 
ten, F., 
on the 
t Mars 
je Map 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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