Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

136 Fo 
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124 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 
O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 
Proportion of Landslide 
Fig.13 Relationship between Band 6 CCT data 
and the proportion of landslide areas 
to total area in each watershed on daytime 
result, the landslide areas has constant ground 
temperature. Figures 13 and 14 establish above 
We have been conducted the procedure men- 
tioned above in the pilot area located north dis- 
trict of Noto Peninsula in the central district of 
Japan. These pilot areas are correspond to 2 
sheets of 1/25000 scale map.In this paper we ex- 
pand the pilot area to 6 sheets of 1/25000 scale 
map. On the expanded pilot area we got the new 
informations. For example , thermal band data 
for daytime and night time shows very interested 
results. These conclusions indicate that combin- 
ing thematic maps and satellite data using GIS 
techniques is successful estimating and zoning 
landslide areas. 
The authors wish to thank Dr.Kawamura for 
his helpful advice. A student , Mr.Yoshihiko 
Suzuki contributed significantly to the computa- 
tion and investigation for this analysis. We also 
wish to acknowledge the students of Kanazawa 
Institute of Technology for their assistance in 
analyzing the data. | 
l. Geographic Survey Institute of Japan, 1986.Manual of Digital 
National Land Information. 
2. Committee of Underground Water Handbook Under 
ground Water Hand book,1979. 
3. K. Kawamura,et al.,1991.Landslide Prediction Method Consid 
ered with Characteristics of Run-off in Surrounding Valleys , 
125 | 
124 e 
: O o 9 
123 O 
ea O o Q q 
5 O 
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g 22 Qo Ta 
— 104 O 
D 9 o 
120 o 
119 1 L 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 
O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 
Proportion of Landslide 
Fig.14 Relationship between Band 6 CCT data 
and the proportion of landslide areas 
to total area in each watershed on nighttime 
Proc of 36 th Sympo. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation 
Engineer ing. 
4. M.Shikada,et al., 1991. Analysis of Landslide Areas Using an 
Image Map Database System, Proc.of 12 the Asian Conf .on 
Remote Sens-ing, Vol.2 pp.I/6-1 - 1/6-2. 
5. M.Shikada,et al., 1992. Extraction of Landslide areas Using 
MSS Data and Thematic Map Database System, International 
Archives of Photo-grammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol.16. 
Part B4 Com.4,pp.386- 391. 
6. T.Kusaka,et al., 1992. Extraction of Landslide Areas Using 
Spatial Features of Topographic Basins,Proc.of IGARSS'92. 
7. T.Kusaka and M.Shikada, 1993. Inference of Land-slide Areas 
Using Spatial Features and Surface Temperature of Water- 
sheds, SPIE Int.Sympo. on Optical Eng. and Photonics Aero 
space and Remote Sensing, pp241-246. 
8. T.Kusaka et.,al. 1993. Extraction of Topographic Features in 
Landslide Areas from ERS-1 SAR Data, Int. Geoscience and 
Remote Sensing Sympo.,(IGARSS’93),Vol.IV,pp.1222- 
9. M.Shikada et.,al., 1993. Extraction of Characteristic Properties 
in Landslide Areas Using Thematic Map Data and Surface 
Temperature, Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Sympo. , 
(IGARSS'93), Vol.II, pp. 103-105. 
10.M.Shikada et.,al., 1994. Extraction of Landslide Ar-eas Using 
Inclination Angles and NVI Data,SPIE Int. Sympo. Recent 
Advanced in Remote Sensing and Hyperspectral Remote 
Sensing, Vol.2318,pp. 109-120. 
11. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., 1991. Cell- 
based Modeling with GRID, July. 
12. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., 1993. Under 
standing GIS. 
13. M.Shikada et.,al., 1995. Extraction of Landslide Areas Using 
Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS Technology, Geoscience 
and Remote Sensing Sympo.,(IGARSS'95), Vol.IV, pp.377- 
14. M.Shikada and T.Kusaka, 1996.Remote Sensing and 
Geotechnical Engineering, JSSMFE Ser. No. 456, Vol.44, 
No1.13-16. ! 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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