Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Rose Marie Aldana Boutin, Coordinator Edition Group Igac Colombia 
Commission IV, Working Group 4 
KEY WORDS: Cartography, Analysis, Restitution, DTM, Accuracy, Methods 
Th e representation of relief is a fundamental component of the cartographic process. A wide range of techniques representing 
the topographic variations of the earth ^s surface on a two dimensional surface have been developed and these vary both in 
their symbolic content and in their degree of realism. 
In even that the Digital Terrain Models have been used since finals sixty's decade, recently it has been increased their 
multiple applications and uses in different technical areas and engineering, especially in Geographic Information Systems 
where they are need to data georeferencing. 
With this work we want to contribute in a technical, efficient and economical manner to the diverse processes that involve 
the usefulness of the DTM and especially to present the possibility of capturing data with a photogrametric method alternative 
to the conventional method. 
The quality of the data source, the accuracy, the resolution and the ability to define small details, the hardware, methods and 
procedures to capture and processing data are the most important parameters when considering the generation of the Digital 
Terrain Models. 
The comparison of the products elaborated by digitizing and capturing contour lines by photogrammetric methods with those 
generated from Digital Terrain Models allow to establish the quality, uselfulness and productivity obtained in each one of the 
The procedure used to derive DTMs is based on a grid of points (SCOP software) that let get the product in an easy and 
efficient way. 
The Digital Terrain Models (DTM) derived from points, 
lines and areas, which describe the topography of the 
1. INTRODUCTION earth's surface, are currently essential components in 
the cartographic processes. 
Recently, the use of a Digital Terrain Models and a 
computer graphics techniques has become a more The Digital Terrain Models can be manipulated as input 
common method not only for generating computer data in order to show results and to allow the analysis in 
visualisations of the terrain but also for assessing the the Geographic Information Systems. 
impact of manmade objects on the landscape.Thus in 
many cases the Terrain Model providing the geometric The main objective of this work is to show several 
description of the earth ' s surface will be supplemented by applications of the Digital Terrain Models and establish 
descriptions of significant landscape features.Vegetation the best relation Benefits/Time, comparing the capture of 
and cultural information as well as design objects will contour lines by conventional methods with the data 
often be combined with the terrain model to create a generated by DTM method. 
scene with a higher degree of realism. Models of this form 
can be referred to as landscape models. : 
A big organization that manages a lot of information 
requires to use efficient systems that enable to transform 
these data in useful information for decision making in Several methods of capture and processing were utilized 
several technical areas. to be able to compare the different results.It was possible 
to establish which is the efficient process for analysis 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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