The geodesy or surveying network without the fixed
coordinates is called a free network. The MDS for time-
space mapping isanalogousto the trilateration free network.
To adjust such a free network and obtain the coordinates,
the problem of det(A'PA)=0 needs to be resolved. For
this purpose, so-called Moore-Penrose general inverse
(MP inverse) is applied to (17) (Rao and Mitra, 1971).
The representation of (17) using MP inverse is
T -(A'PA)A'PL. (18)
where (A ‘PA is MP inverse matrix of A‘PA. It is known
that the MP inverse realizes both min.e'Pe and
min. T'T. (19)
It is obvious from (19) that the MP inverse enables the
free network to be adjusted by adding the condition of
minimizing the norm of unknown variables. This condition
is equivalent to the restriction of the rotation and translation
of the free network. Therefore, MP inverse gives the
adjusted coordinates without any fixed coordinate.
In addition, Mittermayer (1972) proved thatthe optimization
of (16) and (19) is equivalent to the following optimization;
min, trace (2) (20)
where 27 isthe variance-covariance matrix of the adjusted
coordinates. This means that the errors of the coordinates
are fairly minimized. The least squares MDS based on
MP inverse is regarded as the most appropriate one to
MDS for time-space mapping, in which the interpolation
procedure is requested as the next task.
Since the calculation of MP inverse is somewhat
complicated, the approximate calculation procedure is
provided (Rao and Mitra, 1971). With this, the MP inverse
of an arbitrary matrix M is calculated by
M* z lim (M'M «I ) M*. (21)
Applying the formula (21) to (18), we get the adjusted
coordinates. The unbiased estimate of the variance of
unit weight is given by
oz. .£íPe
m - rank (A)
zc € Pg »
m - (2n - 3)
Therefore, the variance-covariance matrix of the estimated
coordinates is obtained by the error propagation law as
Zp20*(AÍPA) (23)
The configured points (uj, v;) (i21,2..,2) by the MDS are
used as the control points in the interpolation. Define the
coordinates of the physical map by (x;,y;) The following
interpolation functions are calibrated by the least squares
method based on the control points.
u =f(e,y), v =g@,y) (24)
Only for convenience, assume the interpolation functions
to be linear to the unknown parameters. Of course, the
functions do not need to be linear to the (x,y) coordinates.
Let & represent the residual vector of the interpolation
functions as follows;
& =(6; 150 Cup) £517 1£5) (25)
Let the unknown parameter vector included in (24) be
denoted by W z (w1,w5,..w,4) and the coefficient matrix
for W be denoted by B. Then the observation equations
of the interpolation problem is given by
& =BW -S, (26)
where S is the estimated coordinates when the adjusted
terms, T , converges.
Note that & depends on 27 (=25 ): hence the least
squares estimates of W are
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996