Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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On the other hand, the advantages of the digital approach 
will increase. The way to get the city structures is not 
uniform and standard. Finally a semi-automated way was 
chosen (Guretzki, Erhardt, 1996). Hereby the height 
determination and the horizontal determination of the 
buildings is separated into different steps. Firstly two very 
dense height models will be created by matching 
procedures, the digital terrain model (DTM) without 
man-made or natural features and the digital elevation 
model (DEM) with all the features above ground. Secondly 
the building outlines will be digitized on-screen by using 
orthoimages (which are created with the help of the DTM). 
A special technique enables avoiding the distortions due to 
projection and height differences. This is done by linking 
the orthoimage window and the DEM window, so that the 
operator can easily move the outline to the correct place. 
Special software combines now the elevation model and 
the building polygons. By using statistical reports the 
heights per building are defined, the location of 
misclassified buildings (no representative height could be 
defined) are shown and the heights are added as attributes 
to the vector dataset. In addition the kind of roof (flat roof or 
top ridge) and natural features greater than 3 m above 
ground can be evaluated. 
In the first phase of the planning process of microcells four 
German cities (Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt and Munich) 
with a total area of approximately 900 km? have been 
evaluated with the two described methods. During 1996 we 
expect the delivery of further city structures. This will be the 
cities of Hamburg, Hannover, Dortmund, Cologne, 
Dresden, Mannheim and Nuremberg with a size of 
approximately 1.500 km? in total. 
3.1. Experiences 
As it was expected the analytical approach was very 
precise and fulfils the requirements completely. Base of the 
evaluation were aerial images in the scale range of 
1:15000 up to 1:18000 (recorded with a wide angle 
camera). The controlling of the data produces some less 
errors or misclassifications. 
The digital approach was carried out with aerial images in 
the scale range of 1:12500 up to 1:15000 (recorded with a 
normal angle camera). The images have been scanned 
with about 25 um pixelsize, that led to a pixelsize at the 
ground of about 30 cm. The results are a little less precise 
in comparison to the analytical methods, but the 
requirements are completely fulfilled. Nevertheless 
automatic procedures require a greater expenditure of 
controlling in order to ensure reliable data. 
The greater scale and the greater focal length in 
combination with the manual digitizing led to no significant 
reduction of generation time and costs up to now. However, 
the digital approach is continuously improving. The 
progress in automatic triangulation and improvements in 
the field of image recognition (at least the automatic 
detection of simple buildings) will increase the advantages 
of the digital method. 
There are still some general questions concerning the 
propagation model that must be solved. The 2.5D solution 
used up to now causes some problems with tunnels, 
buildings on pillars etc. Another question is the general 
type of data. It was found out that the zigzag building 
outlines caused by the nature of raster data lead to 
additional diffraction edges that do not exist in reality. 
Currently, work is going on to examine whether vector data 
will show more realistic behaviour of the model. To be 
prepared for this cause the city structure data was also 
ordered as vector data. Together with the height 
information, it would be easily possible to generate real 3D 
Over the last years the market of the telecommunication 
industry has seen an almost exponential increase. This has 
brought also a great benefit to both the private and the 
public sector of geographic data supplement. The planning 
and modelling of radio networks is just possible and 
economic by using modelling software and digital 
(geographic) data. Terrain models, in urban areas in 
combination with city structure data help to increase the 
correlation between predicted and measured signal 
coverage. So the diffraction and reflection effects on radio 
waves caused by various terrain and building heights can 
be modelled. The lack of existing city structure data leads 
to great efforts on the mobile telecommunication sector to 
generate this data. The public administration with its maxim 
to generate high precise (and of necessity expensive) data 
is of lesser help. For Mannesmann Mobilfunk it is more 
important to get data in volume and in acceptable time. 
Moreover it is found out, that often available public digital 
data sets are so expensive that a new generation (with the 
advantage of defining the own appropriate requirements) 
will be cheaper. 
City structure data is not only useful for planning radio 
coverage. It can also be used in the wide field of pollution 
investigations, environmental planning, transportation 
services, marketing and so on. 
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47, no.1-2,pp. 2-11, January 1993 
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models and object models to improve stereo reconstruction 
of buildings, In: ZPF 5/94, pp. 167-173 
Feistel, M., Baier, A., 1995, Performanceofa 
three-dimensional propagation model in urban 
environments, Sixth IEEE International Symposium on 
Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications 1995, 
Vol. 2, pp. 402-407 
Fritz, L., 1995, Recent developments for optical earth 
observation in the United States, In: Fritsch/Hobbie 
Photogrammetric Week '95, pp. 75-83 
Guretzki, M., Erhardt, H., 1996, Erfassung städtischer 
Gebäudehôhenmodelle mit Einsatz der digitalen 
Photogrammetrie, Bildverarbeitung und ARC/INFO, ESRI 
User Conference Germany 
Haala, N., 1995, 3D building reconstruction using linear 
edge segments, In: Fritsch/Hobbie Photogrammetric Week 
'95, pp. 19-28 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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