Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

allow. to transform descriptive information into a 
suggestive graphical representa-tion overlapped on the 
classical cartographic representation (this facility enables 
an objective analysis thus the rural patrimony re- 
establishment could reach the desired levee; (2) they 
point out an efficient combination of many information 
derived not only from various sources, but also having 
different structures; (3) at the same time as the rural 
patrimony re-establishing operations are carried on, they 
structure a data base to be anytime used as a support in 
accomplishing impact studies on the environment to 
expand or establish new industrial works over the 
territory and, generally, as a support in decision-marking 
activities of those bodies charged with rural patrimony 
management; (4) they give the possibility to link 
information derived from a national complex data base 
(obviously, ensuring present-day and future collected 
information compatibility). 
3.1 Model Investigating Information Stock (MIIS) 
During this stage, based on a theoretical model, the 
inventory findings are: (1) 1:50,000 scale map Squares 
(according to Gauss-Krüger division of map sheets) 
covering the whole area (see 1:350,000 scale county map 
compiled in 1987) are rendered also; (2) 1:5,000 scale 
cadastral maps compiled in 1979 are acquired; (3) 
1:100,000 scale county maps compiled in 1988 are 
acquired; (4) 1:5,000 and 1:50,000 DTM (Military 
Topographic Department) maps carried on various dates 
during 1960 and 1980 are acquired; (5) inventory of the 
space images covering the deltaic area; (6) delineation of 
areas existing on Landsat 1 and 2 images; (7) inventory 
of map squares with 1:5,000 and 1:10,000 scale 
photomaps; (8) inventory of aerial photographs which 
IGFCOT has taken over during 1969 and 1991; (9) 
inventory of those square maps containing 1:2,000, 
1:5,000 and 1:10,000 scale basic topographic maps; (10) 
inventory of those square maps containing 1:10,000 and 
1:5,000 scale cadastral maps. 
The above mentioned 10 item are the first inventorying 
action of the cartographic material which are found in 
IGFCOT. That information could be completed by other 
specialised institutes for various thematic applications. 
All existing information collection entails a 
multidisciplinary data (information) stock setting out 
required by the NPIS development. Because that is a 
complex study and the territory is large we have agreed 
upon to choose a test area within the 1: 50,000 scale 
L-35-107-D square map, ie. Delta Dunàárii - Grindul 
Caraorman (DD-GC) (The Danube Delta -Caraorman 
Bank Ridge Top). 
The findings could be then generalized over whole 
deltaic area. 
3.2 Area Presentation 
The test area, which we have chosen for the first stage, is 
representative as regards the various biomorphological 
shapes found within the Danube Delta (relief shapes, 
sand dunes, various-lakes, arable land, built-in area, 
quitted industrial areas, natural reservations, canals and 
dikes various vegetation-marshes, reed forests, a.s.o.). 
Caraorman village (also giving the name of the map 
sheet) is located in the middle of a large sand plateau 
(the second large and important plateau as against Letea 
one). Satellite image taken over that bank ridge top 
properly points out how it has been developed after the 
successive sea water retirement. That is why, there are 
large sand dunes oriented along the old sea-shore over 
Caraorman Bank Ridge Top. 
3.3 Space/Graphic Information Collection 
As regards the present-day methodology other counties 
(e.g. Dolj County) consider it is better to re-arrange 
thematic information after about a decade. So, a proper 
comparison to re-build, that is, to preserve various rural 
patrimony elements is assured. When the Danube Delta 
showing special dynamic changes is to taken into 
account, that period of time should be obviously, 
shortened, i.e. between 3-5 year, as it is the case. 
Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing products are used 
in the Danube Delta photointerpretation. There are 
Remote Sensing images taken by the American Landsat 
satellite and the European SPOT over our test area. More 
than that, there are space maps already for maps L-35- 
107-D and L-35-107-C squares compiled to be employed 
in other projects using 1990 and 1992 space images. 
That important information has been supplemented by 
digital data derived from the maps existing in the 
IGFCOT Geodetic and Cartographic Fund, which were 
updated in 1981. Besides, 1:200,000 scale soil map 
and the General 1:100,000 scale Danube Delta map have 
been digitised, as well. The main problem which we 
should have solved was to make uniform all data 
collected from various sources. 
The geographic grid was the only one common element 
used to assume a proper information overlapping; while 
digitising, TIC's (the coincident points of SIG- 
ARC/INFO terminology) were the intersections of 
parallels and longitudes delineating the test area. This 
maps have been brought into coincidence using special 
ARC/INFO functions. We used ARC/INFO ADS module 
to digitise, because it has more facilities to be put at the 
user's disposal: node and vertex digitising; a dynamic 
numerical element display, the working area setting out, 
the wrong element deletion, a.so. The digitising 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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