Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Martin J Smith and Mark Dumville 
Institute of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy 
The University of Nottingham, University Park 
Tel 0115 951 3880 Fax 0115 951 3881 
email: martin.smith@nottingham.ac.uk 
Commission IV Working Group 2 
KEY WORDS: processing, neural networks, image rectification, geo-referencing 
The paper evaluates the performance of using both a neural network and a rule-base in developing a fully integrated 
geo-referencing routine. Aspects of hybrid neural network 
times, improved geo-referencing precisions and overcomi 
network processing models. 
A hybrid neural network is a network whose architecture 
consists of two or more separate processing structures. 
Hybrid neural networks consist of a neural network 
augmented with another processing structure (rule-base) 
which can be included within the system by running 
parallel to it, or in series with it. In addition to providing a 
more precise geo-referencing system, the hybrid 
architecture is highly parallel and ideally suited to parallel 
processing producing a highly effective and 
computationally efficient system. 
1.1 Hybrid Neural Networks 
The hybrid network technique adopted for this study is 
similar to that presented by Bengio et al. (1992). Hidden 
Markov Models have a proven success in the modelling 
of the temporal structure of speech, whereas the artificial 
neural network (and in particular the multi-layer 
perceptron) has a proven success in continuous function 
approximation. The system used by Bengio et al. (ibid) 
combines the advantages of the two independent 
techniques. A similar approach was used by Bumiston 
(1994), consisting of a simple rule-based model to 
approximate the speech pattern. The multi-layer 
perceptron neural network was then used to identify and 
model the peculiarities and fine detail of the speech. This 
form of network construction removes the requirement for 
the network to learn the complete function. This allows 
the network to focus its ability on recognising the patterns 
which exist in the difference between the rule-based 
estimate and the true geographic coordinates of the 
training patterns. This is achieved in a learning process 
similar to that used in conventional neural network 
training algorithms (e.g, back-error propagation). The 
integration method adopted was through the use of a 
performance are reviewed, focussing on improved training 
ng convergence problems associated with stand-alone neural 
rule-base to assist the removal of the majority of the 
systematic errors within the geo-referencing process 
(Dumville, 1995). 
1.2 The Rule Base 
The Platform Trajectory Model combines satellite 
ephemeral information with ground control to create the 
geo-referencing model. Unlike popular geometric 
rectification algorithms the Platform Trajectory Model only 
requires a single ground control point (GCP). This point is 
used to anchor the image to the cartesian reference 
system to be used within the geo-referencing routine. The 
satellite ephemeris acts as the control for the orientation 
of the image and the timing information is used for the 
scaling of the image pixels. The ephemeral and timing 
information is made available within the header files of 
the satellite image. 
A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image of the North of 
Scotland from the European Remote Sensing Satellite, 
ERS-1, was used in this study. The image contains 8000 
by 8000 pixels corresponding to a ground area of 100 km 
by 100 km. This area was selected as a test site due to 
the availability of the appropriate satellite imagery and the 
mapping of the region. 
A relative GPS ground survey was carried to obtain 
ground control for geo-referencing the image. A set of 
eleven control points were observed after by identification 
of suitable features on the image (Putter, 1993). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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