Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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ability and its merits compared to performing similar tasks 
using a stand-alone neural network model. 
Table 1 presents results demonstrating the effect of 
altering the number of control points used in the hybrid 
networks training phase, on the  geo-referencing 
GCPs Control Points (m) Check Points (m) 
Used “dE Z dN RMSE | XZ dE 2 dN | RMSE 
1 0 0 0 20491 | 23805 | 2861 
2 -1 0 3 -965 1338 247 
3 18 -14 39 -276 -216 104 
4 37 46 61 -50 50 71 
5 24 42 61 132 67 73 
6 55 150 67 -94 65 69 
7 -121 -68 64 -63 8 73 
8 -180 -129 65 -140 -13 77 
9 81 2 59 -152 11 77 
10 70 -232 61 -31 -10 32 
11 212 -71 58 
Table 1 Hybrid Network Geo-referencing Results 
Table 1 indicates that using only one GCP, for the geo- 
referencing process, there is insufficient information 
present in the single training pattern for the network to 
establish a link between the rule-base estimate and the 
true location of the training pattern. The introduction of a 
second GCP into the training process produces a 
significant improvement in the network's performance. 
This extra GCP enables the link to be identified and the 
hybrid network begins to function as an integrated 
system. Through the addition of more control information, 
the geo-referencing precision improves but reaches a 
threshold when using between 4 and 9 control points 
(RMSE ranges from 59 m to 67 m for the Control Points 
and ranges from 69 m to 77 m for the Check Points). The 
process does not improve or severely degrade when 
using 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, demonstrating that the geo- 
referencing function can be using fewer control points 
than would be required by a stand alone neural network. 
The RMSE fit to the control points in the final two tests 
(i.e., using 10 and 11 GCPs) are in the same threshold 
region (^60 m) as in the previous tests. However, as little 
check point information is available for analysis these 
results should not be considered for performance 
evaluation, though they can be used in assessing the 
hybrid network's learning ability. 
There follows a summary of the results achieved using 
the neural network approach (Figure 4), the rule-base 
approach (Figure 5) and the integrated hybrid network 
approach (Figure 6). The rule-base used for the tests in 
the hybrid approach was that of the platform trajectory 
model. Figure 4 presents the direction and magnitude of 
the geo-referencing RMSE residual vectors within the 
neural network process from a test that used 5 GCPs for 
training 6 check points for recall. The direction of the 
residual vectors associated with the GCPs appear 
unrelated to one another, with no distinguishable pattern. 
What is apparent, however, is the trend which exists in 
the residual vectors associated with the 6 check points. 
200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 340000 
Eastings (m) 
Figure 4 Residuals (neural network) 
residual vectors @ scale 1:50 
Figure 5 shows an example of the geo-referencing 
residuals present in the Platform Trajectory Model (PTM) 
approach to geo-referencing Earth Observation imagery. 
The image was geo-referenced using a single GCP. 
There is a clear trend in the directions of the residuals, in 
the Easterly direction. This could be attributed to; pixel 
dimensioning, reduction to the ellipsoid, Earth rotation or 
atmospheric effects, all of which effect the image in an 
along-track (Easterly) direction. Another distinctive 
feature within the figure is the size of the residuals in the 
bottom-right of the image as compared to those towards 
the top of the image. The larger residuals can be 
attributed to the propagation effects of the Platform 
Trajectory Model. 
OSGB Northings (m) 
200000 220000 240000 260000 280 000 320000 340000 
Eastings (m) 
Figure 5 Residuals (rule base) 
residual vectors @ scale 1:50 
Figure 6 illustrates the performance of the hybrid network 
in the geo-referencing role. The plot contains the results 
of using 5 GCPs and 6 check points. It can be seen from 
Figure 6 that the resident systematic trends which were 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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