Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

present in Figure 4 have now been removed. There are 
no visible patterns within the directions of the residual 
vectors. The RMSE for the control points is 61 metres 
and the RMSE for the check points is 73 metres. These 
values can be compared to those from Figure 4 of 156 m 
and 160 m for the control and check points respectively. 
890000 ppp 
200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000 
Eastings (m) 
Figure 6 Residuals (hybrid network) 
residual vectors @ scale 1:50 
5.1 Learning versus Recall for Hybrid Networks 
Figure 7 presents three curves illustrating the nature of 
how the geo-referencing error decreases with the amount 
of training. The first curve shows the progress in network 
learning using 4 control points for the neural network 
training. This curve starts with the largest error, however 
after 20 000 iterations the error has reduced to a similar 
value as the curve displaying the check point residual 
RMSE using 7 check points. 
Wh 4 Control Points — —7 Check Poinls — All Points 
_ 1800 
E 16004. Training Curve 
S 14004 - 
wu 4200. ^ 
€ 400044 ' 
5 N t 
$ 800. M 
$ so. ds 
E39 Thaler 
© 200 Lit: Recall Curve 
© m E uo 
T T T T 
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 
Number of Iterations 
Figure 7 Learning and Recall Curves for Hybrid 
The check point curve is indicative of the network's ability 
to recall the geo-referencing function should the training 
process be halted. It represents the hybrid network's 
ability to approximate the geo-referencing function up to 
50 000 training iterations. The graph closely resembles 
that of the training curve. Initially, the recall curve 
produces less error than the training curve that uses the 
control points. This feature is, however, only present over 
a limited domain (up to 20 000 iterations) and once the 
curves begin to flatten off, they both stabilise to the same 
geo-referencing error of ^60 m. 
The rule base estimate was produced using GCP 1 (as 
highlighted in Figure 5). The set of eleven GCPs were 
used in the training process for both network 
architectures, hence no check point data was available. 
The results are presented in Table 2. The table compares 
the two architectures' ability to learn the function and not 
to recall the function. 
GCP Neural Network (m) Hybrid Network (m) 
Nor dE dN dL dE dN dL 
1 -140 -203 247 87 15 88 
2 -74 -102 126 -20 -39 44 
3 -208 -201 289 62 50 80 
4 186 68 198 18 -72 74 
5 -117 -25 120 -70 6 70 
6 56 46 72 39 23 45 
7 60 24 65 7 -47 47 
8 83 12 84 46 -3 46 
9 7 -36 37 61 12 62 
10 -34 -57 67 -8 -18 19 
11 50 56 75 -8 2 9 
mean | mean | mean | mean | mean | mean 
dE dN dL dE dN dL 
-12 -38 125 19 -6 53 
Table 2 Comparing the Stand-Alone Neural Network 
with the Hybrid Neural Network in Learning 
Despite the mean values for dE being of similar 
magnitudes for the two types of network, inspection within 
the table, reveals a much reduced variance on the 
individual dE values when using the hybrid network as 
opposed to the stand-alone network. Furthermore, the 
mean value for dN is far less for the hybrid network than 
it is for the stand-alone counterpart (-6 m compared to -38 
m for the stand-alone network). This feature also applies 
to the mean residual, dL, which amounts to 53 m for the 
hybrid network and 125 m for the stand-alone neural 
= m = Stand-Alone Hybrid Network 
_ 500 — 
E 450 : 
5 4004 ; 
Gg 350-4, 
2 30 3: 
9 2504 ı 
$: 200 he! 
Ko] lo 
B 104 - 
à  100- 
© 50 A 
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 38000 40000 48000 50000 
Number of Iterations 
Figure 8 Learning Curves for both Stand-Alone and 
Hybrid Neural Network Models 
The enhanced performance of the hybrid network can 
also be shown by comparing its progress (in training) with 
that of the stand-alone neural network. Figure 8 presents 
the learning curves of the two networks in their training 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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