Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

43 PN AD-u 
phase. The training set, once again, contained the 
complete set of eleven control points. The curves 
therefore reflect the manner in which the two networks 
learn the function. 
The two curves in Figure 8 are clearly distinguishable, 
each possessing different features peculiar to their 
method of learning. The stand-alone network, after 1000 
iterations, has a geo-referencing error of 2000 m. For 
clarity, this is off the figure in order to show the lesser 
undulations within the learning curve. From the geo- 
referencing error of 2000 m the stand-alone network is 
quick to learn the hidden patterns within the geo- 
referencing function and swiftly progresses to errors of 
around 150 - 200 m level after 2000 iterations. The slight 
perturbations around the 150 m level are a feature of the 
noise added to the network to avoid the occurrence of the 
network falling into a false well. 
The hybrid network curve within the figure shows a much 
smoother learning path in contrast to the stand-alone 
network. This curve has a geo-referencing error of 1150 
m at 1000 iterations, again for clarity, this is off the graph. 
This initial value is almost half that of the other network. 
However, using the hybrid approach the network fails to 
learn the function at such a rapid rate. The learning curve 
is gradual and only approaches a stable value of about 
50 m at 25 000 iterations (taking over 10 times as long as 
the stand-alone model to stabilse). Though the two 
graphs cross at approximately 8000 iterations the 
remaining 17 000 iterations have the effect of gradually 
reducing the geo-referencing error in the hybrid network 
which ultimately results in a final geo-referencing error 2.5 
times smaller than that of the stand-alone model. 
5.2 Benefits of Hybrid Networks over stand-alone 
The final test was to try to achieve similar geo-referencing 
precisions to the hybrid network using a stand-alone 
neural network model. The only variable to be altered in 
the tests was the number of hidden processing units 
within the single hidden layer. The learning term and the 
momentum rate were kept at the constant values of 0.15 
and 0.6 for all stand-alone neural network topologies and 
0.1 and 0.5 for all hybrid network topologies. This was 
necessary to keep the number of tests to a realistic 
amount. Tests were performed using between 2 and 44 
hidden layer units. Some typical results from the tests 
have been selected and presented in Figure 9. The tests 
were performed to the exhaustive limit of 100000 
Some of the statistics from the tests are presented in 
Table 2. From Figure 9 and Table 2 the noise within the 
learning process can be quantified by examining the 
standard deviation (std dev) of the scatter from the stable 
region of the curve. Despite the network achieving 
precisions of the order of 70 m (for 20 hidden units) the 
standard deviation of 12.3 m indicates quite large 
deviations from a smooth learning curve. This quantity of 
noise is also present on the remaining two curves (those 
for 6 and 10 hidden units). The curves suggest the stand- 
alone neural network is capable of producing comparable 
results to the hybrid network (i.e., 70 m level of precision). 
However to achieve this, the network requires additional 
processing units within the hidden layer (e.g., from Table 
3 the number of units required is 20) and hence additional 
computational time to learn the function, even then there 
is a large uncertainty, i.e, 12.3 m, associated with the 
geo-referencing precision. 
Number of Hidden Layer Units 
vores: Be iil 20 
= 290 
5 180 
= — 160 
= 140 
$ 120 a, A 1 yu ts 
c 100 Peg NOI ez, 
S 80 
© 60 
3 40 
à 20 
O 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000 
Number of Iterations 
Figure 9 Geo-referencing Error against number of 
iterations for different Stand-Alone Network 
No of Hidden Stand-Alone Network 
Units mean (m) std dev (m) 
6 153 12.1 
10 107 11.4 
20 70 12.3 
Table 3 Statistics of the Learning Curves 
in Figure 9 
Similar tests were performed for the hybrid network to see 
if prolonged training would lead to improved geo- 
referencing. The results are presented in Figure 10. The 
most noticeable feature is that all three curves produce 
similar geo-referencing errors. 
Figure 10 demonstrates that when using a hybrid network 
the final geo-referencing error is less dependant upon the 
topology of the neural network. However, as can be seen 
within Table 4, the final result may be similar for all hybrid 
network configurations (i.e., 6, 10 or 20 hidden units) but 
the noise in the learning curve gets progressively worse 
the more redundant hidden layer processing units the 
network possesses. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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