Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

In the following sections first briefly the different types of 
measurements are described: tracking feature points, shape 
from shading and tracking edges. The main subject of this 
paper is the combination of the different types of measure- 
ments and is presented in section 3. 
2.1 Tracking feature points 
Because a time sequence of many images is available, fea- 
tures can be followed through the sequence of images. This 
is far easier than the more common practice of trying to find 
corresponding features in images recorded by camera’s with 
large differences in viewing angles. The features in successive 
images in the sequence will move and differ only slightly. If ac- 
curate feature models and a model for the acquisition process 
is available, Kalman filtering techniques can be used to obtain 
accurate position estimations of the feature points. The ac- 
curacy increases with the number of images that contains the 
feature. And since each feature is present in many images, 
the resulting accuracy will be much higher than would be ob- 
tainable by just using stereo image pairs with similar image 
resolution. An additional advantage is that it is rather simple 
to take into account a complex camera model including lens 
distortions. The image doesn’t have to be warped first, but 
the estimated 3D feature points are projected back into the 
image plane using the complex camera projection model. 
2.2 Shape from shading 
However, as stated earlier, such feature points may be sparse. 
Hence an interpolation technique must be applied to obtain 
the DEM for every point in the scene. Simple interpolation 
techniques will give a very poor result, because of the few 
available feature points. 
Shading in the images gives a rough indication for the local 
orientation of the surface. This can be used to improve the in- 
terpolation process considerably. The estimated orientations, 
however, are far less accurate than the measurements ob- 
tained by feature tracking. These orientation measurements 
are available also in areas without clear feature points, how- 
2.3 Projection of edges 
The edges of objects, e.g. fields, roads etc. also provide a 
means to obtain height measurements. However, the shape 
of the edges will change from image to image, and also their 
orientation and positions. A 3-d model of surface patches 
is used to project the edges back on the images and find 
an optimal fit on the edges detected in the images. Since 
edge features will differ just slightly in subsequent images, 
the matching process is relatively simple. Once the 3-d mod- 
els of these segment boundaries are known, also the height 
and curvature of the surface locally on the boundaries are 
known. The accuracies of these measurements will generally 
be somewhere in between the accuracies of the other two 
2.4 Other measurements and foreknowledge 
It is also possible to include other measurements, e.g. using 
existing stereo techniques. Furthermore often a rough model 
of the landscape is available, which can be used as an initial 
estimate and often there is a good idea of the smoothness of 
the surface. 
3 DEM construction 
The construction of a DEM means to find a model such that 
it best fits the measurements and can be used to predict the 
elevation for arbitrary positions: 
£(p) = M(6,p) (1) 
6=" 4" SAP MOD) (2) 
Where 2(p) is the estimate for the elevation at a position 
p. and M is the digital elevation model function with pa- 
rameters 0. (This only shows the fitting for feature point 
measurements, but similar expressions can be obtained for 
orientation measurements using SEL oM etc.) 
Since land surfaces generally are rather complex, many pa- 
rameters are required for an accurate description. A problem 
with these many parameter models is that often there is not 
a unique fit for the measured data. 
Therefore, a different approach is taken here. Each measure- 
ment is 'propagated' through the DEM, i.e. from it estima- 
tions of elevation and surface orientations for all other posi- 
tions are derived using the existing DEM and foreknowledge 
about the local properties of the surface. Next the existing 
DEM is updated using these new estimations. 
3.1 Propagation of measurements 
For simplicity first a 2 dimensional DEM (only x and z direc- 
tions) is considered. Suppose it is known that the maximum 
gradient of the surface is 27,4, (e.g. 1096, i.e. 10cm per me- 
ter.) An elevation measurement at position zo now bounds 
the possible elevations on all other positions by: 
z(zo)— | = — zo | *Zmas € 2(z) € 2(zo)-- | z — to | *Zmas 
The combination of different measurements in this case is 
simply the intersection between the ranges. Each new mea- 
surement further bounds the elevations. This is shown graph- 
ically in fig.3.1. 
A step further is not to assume a maximum surface gradient, 
but a certain distribution for the gradient. Suppose that the 
distribution of the surface gradient is normal with expectancy 
For a measurement at position zo with an accuracy that is 
also given by a normal distribution G(zo, o3), the propagation 
can then be described as follows: 
Eíz(r)) 2zo--(r—z0)E {#(x)} =# (5) 
o? (z(z)) = 0° (zo) -(z—20)^ 0? (z (z)) — iie et 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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