Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

PK Srivastava, R Ramakrishnan, R Nandkumar, N Padmanabhan, B Gopala Krishna, KL Majumder 
Image processing and Data Products Group 
Remote Sensing Area 
Space Applications Centre (ISRO) 
Ahmedabad 380053, INDIA 
ISPRS Commision IV, Working Group IV/3 
KEY WORDS: IRS-1C, Mapping standards, Geocoded products, Orthoimage, LISS 3 Camera, 
Panchromatic Camera 
ABSTRACT Indian Remote Sensing Satellite IRS-1C launched in December 1995 carries onboard 
pushbroom linear CCD scanner cameras capable of providing high resolution imagery of Earth's surface . 
This raises the issue of usefulness of this data for topographic mapping purposes. This paper provides a 
theoretical assessment of cartographic potential of IRS-1C imagery and describes planned experiments to 
assess the cartographic potential of IRS-1C imagery with actual data. 
The following Data Products planned for IRS-1C mission can be used for Cartographic applications: 
1. Radiometrically corrected raw geometry Basic stereo Pair of PAN data. 
2. Geocoded Data Products. These products are provided in 1:250,000 and 1:50,000 scales for 
LISS-3 and additionally 1:25,000 scale for PAN. 
3. Merged Products. These products are expected to allow better visual interpretation capability for 
linear features of interest in Cartographic applications. 
Early results from first set of IRS-1C imagery show that the theoretical expectations are met. 
1.0 Introduction 
Indian Remote Sensing Satellite IRS-1C launched in 
December 1995 carries onboard pushbroom linear 
CCD scanner cameras capable of providing high 
resolution imagery of Earth's surface . It is expected 
that updating of topographic maps will be one of the 
major Remote Sensing applications to receive boost 
from IRS-1C imagery. The issue of usefulness of 
IRS-1C data for topographic mapping purposes is 
discussed in this paper from two angles viz. 
1. a theoretical assessment of cartographic 
potential of IRS-1C imagery and 
2. early results with available IRS-1C imagery . 
Based on both theoretical possibilities and first cut 
assessment conclusions related to cartographic 
potential of IRS-1C imagery are drawn. 
2.0 IRS-1C specifications related to Terrain 
IRS-1C carries three cameras viz. multispectral 
LISS-3 camera, high resolution steerable 
Panchromatic Camera and Wide Field Sensor. Of 
these the first two provide such resolutions as to 
make them probable candidates for cartographic 
applications. Basic characteristics of these two 
sensors are as given in table 1. 
The Panchromatic camera can be steered 
upto +/-26 degrees. Thus by acquiring imagery 
over the same ground area from multiple orbits a 
stereoscopic coverage can be obtained. 
Consequently by applying appropriate models a 
terrain height profile can be determined. The IRS- 
1C mission is thus capable of providing both 
planimetric and elevation information. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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