4 p house
3 V fence
— parcel boundary
2 cadastral sub-division
ave boundary
figure 1: multi-theme feature
For more detailed information, see [NOEV 1980, NOEV 1980, NOEV 1989, Stoeppler 1985a, Stoeppler 1985b]
3. Software used
The software package MicroStation PC was introduced by
Bentley Systems Inc. around 1987 as further development of
IGDS (VAX-based), graphic software of Intergraph. Already
the older version was used for mapping, especially in
photogrammetry. With the development towards digital based
production lines, the capabilities of MicroStation PC were fully
utilized by the users, particular for those using
photogrammetric workstations in their production line.
Intergraph software was chosen by the vast majority of the
German photogrammetric companies as their graphic software.
Several advantages are the basis for this choice:
easy to use
economic since it has a good performance
powerful application programs
includes possibilities of own programming (from
simple to sophisticated programs)
does not need data conversions between
MicroStation software running on different
can be used with commercial DBMS
has interfaces for different other data formats
offers vector and raster capabilities
is customized for semi-analytical, analytical and
digital plotters of different manufactures
+ + + +
The latest software version 5.0 (MicroStation PC 5.0 available
in Europe since autumn 1993) includes a number of
remarkable extensions of functions. Some of them are going to
be used for the user interface designed. It was found, that they
are useful for the problems, which had to be solved. The most
interesting new features for the field of mapping applications
are :
- group settings
- custom line styles
- tags ;
- SELECTOR as part of MicroStation 5.0
- dynamic patterning and hatching
- extended text functions
- extended complex functions
- tool settings box
More details are given in [Intergraph 1994].
4. Design of the data structure
Transferring a given conceptual data model in the data
structure of a graphics software needs a lot of time-consuming
work. Everything has to be tested rigorously until the results
are satisfactory. Only after that a production line can start.
Performing structural changes during data capturing or before
data delivery is very costly and even more time-consuming.
But also number of other aspects have to be considered when
designing a user interface, namely:
- the requirements of the customer
- economic aspects
- easy to handle for the operator
- the structure has to be clearly defined
- easy to check
- as much as possible supported by the system
- repetition of work should be avoided
- a good documentation for users
- new features of the software should be used, if
well documented
Trying to consider all these points, a data structure for the ALK
data model in Intergraph MicroStation 5.0 was designed by the
authors of this paper
In addition to the more general points mentioned above, there
are a number of ALK-specific topics to be reviewed.
The cartographic requirements defined in the ZV-Aut NRW
have to be met, as well as the settings given by the OBAK-
LiegKat NRW in terms of elements to be captured, layer
orientation, object formation, object names and coordinate,
area coverage, non-redundancy of the data set, etc..
Because MicroStation 5.0 is neither object-oriented nor able to
handle a multi-theme vector data structure in its original
design, special solutions for these topics had to be found.
Virtual points (cf: 2.) are not a default feature of the
MicroStation either, therefore a specific procedure was needed.
Finally, restrictions due to plotting and the planned data
transfer via EDBS had to be examined, because in first
instance the data set should serve data delivery purposes, but
plotting requirements also have to be considered. The general
questions are discussed in the next section, while the solutions
of specific problems are given after, following the ALK
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996