Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

5. Definitions of the OBAK-LiegKat NRW 
Elements to be captured / OSKA-code as identifier 
There are about 1100 different objects defined within the 
OBAK-LiegKat NRW, differentiated basically by their unique 
OSKA-codes. The cartographic layout is only used for display 
and plot respectively. This information is not to be transferred 
while data transfer via EDBS (e.g. hatching for buildings, 
embankments, default positions for annotations, etc.), except 
for special solutions (e.g. annotation on non-default position, 
Working with graphic software such as MicroStation is based 
on visualization of different features. Distinction between 
elements is usually done by level, color, weight, line style, text 
and symbol size and layout. Assigning numbers such as OSKA- 
codes is not the preferred way, as most people can easier work 
with visual impressions than with number codes. 
Following this, a data structure has been designed, where to 
each OSKA-code given in the OBAK-LiegKat NRW a unique 
MicroStation level-symbology was assigned. 
Layer orientation 
This problem was easy to be solved as ALK as well as 
MicroStation are layer oriented. So, for every ALK layer, one 
or more MicroStation level are exclusively assigned. As 
MicroStation is restricted to 63 levels, it is not always 
possible, to keep the layer number equal to the level; but this is 
done as far as possible. For various layer, more than one 
MicroStation level was assigned for the sake of easier 
differentiation of elements. 
Geometric elements to be captured 
For some of the objects, a restrictions in terms of the allowed 
geometric elements is given in the OBAK-LiegKat NRW, e.g. 
only lines for parcel boundaries. This restrictions have been 
considered within the data structure. 
Color coding 
Color coding is no requirement of the ALK data structure, but 
was used for different purposes. One is the definition of 
elements, which occur on more than one layer and will not be 
plotted (e.g. OSKA 0242 (line for object definition) and 0249 
(virtual object line)). These are stored on MicroStation levels 
61 and 62 respectively. The color number represents the ALK 
layer. Both levels can be excluded from plotting in the final 
Another use of the color code is performed with the OSKA- 
code 0292 (arrow), which also occurs on different layers, but 
has to be plotted. Here, the color number zero was always 
As mnemonics, certain colors were assigned to lines with 
symbols. For fences, hedges, walls, cadastral division borders, 
etc., the OBAK-LiegKat NRW differentiates between symbol 
to the right-hand side, to the left-hand side, on both side or no 
symbol (note: the direction indicates the ownership, where 
applicable). The direction left/right is defined by the 
orientation of the linear feature seen from the first point being 
the most western one and the azimuth for the second, i.e. for 
ALK data structure the last point, being within 200 grades. As 
this rule is rather involved for data capturing, as the exact 
azimuth would have to be measured before digitizing a line, 
the final check should be left to the data transfer software. For 
the data capturing, color coding disregarding the digitizing 
direction is more obvious specially for lines, where the 
symbolization has to be shown separately (e.g. cadastral 
divisions and sub-divisions). 
For right-hand side rot red (color code 3, 
13,23, etc.) 
left-hand side lila purple (color code 9, 
19,29, eic.) 
on both sides, 
‘wechselnd’ weiss white (color code 0, 
10, 20, etc.) 
for symbol as separate line cyan (color code 5, 
15,25, etc.) 
note: this lines are for plotting only and the color codes are 
chosen from German color names. 
The color table is arranged accordingly. 
Creating objects 
Forming ‘Objekte’ - „objects“ is another necessity in order to 
fulfill the definitions of the ALK. For objects consisting of 
more than one geometric element, the function ‘grouping’ (also 
called orphan cell) as well as graphic groups are used, e.g. the 
geometric elements of buildings are combined to a group for 
data transfer. In this way, all required elements are easily 
found. The creation of groups should be supported by an ucm 
or md] rather than only using the MicroStation standard 
functions in order to avoid forgetting the inclusion of geometric 
elements. Using the object coordinate as start point for the 
search algorithm, the program can perform an automatic or 
semi-automatic forming of a closed area around the centroid. 
The operator will attach the alpha-numerical information - 
object names - to these objects in several sub-information, 
using the MicroStation command ‘tag’. 
The graphic group function offers the advantage of being a 
toggle function (on/of), so that, single elements of a graphic 
group still can be manipulated. A disadvantage is the restricted 
number of graphic groups and difficulties with the numbering 
under certain conditions. 
Object coordinate 
In general the justifications of symbols and text can be used as 
described in the OBAK-LiegKat NRW. For symbols, this point 
of placement is by definition the object coordinate. In most 
cases, it is identical with the geometric center of the symbol 
(e.g. center point of circular symbols, etc.); for MicroStation, 
this results in the justification ‘center center’. 
When text feature are placed parallel to the ordinate (y-axis) of 
the coordinate system, only one point of origin is needed, as 
the direction is already defined implicitly. This point is usually 
the center point of the base line, which can be described in 
MicroStation as justification ‘center bottom’. For text written 
in more the one line (e.g. parcel number as fraction), the 
MicroStation feature ‘text node’ with justification ‘center 
center’ is applied. 
Some text features require two points of placement for 
alignment with the topography (e.g. street names along the 
road). The justification is set to ‘bottom left’ and the second 
point has to be calculated from the rotation angle and the 
length of the text during data transfer. 
For the justification of text and symbols, the following 
positions are going to be used: : 
text, if parallel to the grid center bottom (cb) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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