Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

text, if aligned with topography left bottom (1b) 
(second point for data transfer to be calculated 
by length and rotation angle of the text) 
symbol, if parallel to grid center center (cc) 
symbol, if aligned with topography ^ center center (cc) 
(azimuth to be calculated form rotation angle) 
For a number of features, there is the possibility of using 
OSKA 0292 - an arrow -, if the space is not sufficient for 
placing the feature in the required position, e.g. a parcel 
number inside a parcel, the head of the arrow serves then as 
object coordinate, while the ending has to coincide with the 
text origin of the text, (here: parcel number). For the head of 
the arrow, the MicroStation command ‘line terminator’ is 
going to be used, which requires a cell to be placed at the end 
of a line. 
As the usual work-flow implies the other possible sequence of 
points (from the text to the area), an ucm was programmed, in 
order to exchange the sequence of points in the linear part of 
the arrow by calling the new MicroStation feature ‘change 
direction of a line' already during placement. 
Object names 
Alpha-numerical information, mostly 
annotations, etc., requested as ‘Objektname’ 
are stored using the MicroStation feature ‘tag’. 
‘Tag’ is a simple, non-hierarchical database with user-defined 
tables, called ‘tag sets’. The single entries represent the data to 
be attached to geometric elements. These entries can either 
have default or individual values. Another possibility is the 
‘displayable tag’, where the value can be placed as text in the 
MicroStation design file. 
object names, 
- „object name“ 
Examples for tags are: 
object name of a parcel, here the information on 
cadastral division and sub-division is stored 
annotation of man holes, here the usage (e.g. electricity, 
sewerage, telephone) is shown as a displayable tag. 
Área coverage 
Two layers of the ALK have to be captured with full area 
coverage (parcels and actual land use). The completeness of 
the procedure can be checked by area calculation. The sum of 
the single areas has to be equal to the total area size. 
MicroStation offers possibilities of creating shapes (closed 
areas) around centroids (e.g. text, cell, etc.) and area 
calculation of these shapes. Before an automatic creation of 
shapes can be performed, the geometry (over- and undershoots, 
etc.) has to be checked. This is also required as a quality check 
[ZV-Aut 1994, p.7]. Standard software for this is available 
(e.g. MGE, MircoGIS). 
Also for other area objects such as buildings, roads and 
embankments, a centroid is going to be placed (e.g. parcel 
number, OSKA-code, embankment symbol, etc.). The shapes 
to be created for this features can consist of elements from 
several levels. A list of relevant levels has to be assigned to 
specific features. 
Checking the complete area coverage can be done in two ways: 
either by using a data base for the storage of parcel sizes 
and calculation of sums 
orby annotating every complex shape with its size, 
extracting these in an ASCII-file (mdl TEXTX) and 
using this as entry to EXCEL (chart calculation 
In both cases, the result has to be compared with the size of the 
complete area captured. 
The method last described should be supported by a mdl, 
combining the single steps. 
The error detection (e.g. missing areas, etc.) can be supported 
by using the area fill (display function) for shapes. 
Within the ZV-Aut NRW the layout of every feature to be 
captured is given. By listing line width, text size and style, 
symbol size and default offset (where applicable) for every 
item, combined with an example, a complete definition is 
given for the cartographic layout. 
A large number of ALK objects are shown as point symbol, e.g. 
parcel boundary marker, man hole, symbols for actual land use, 
There are two possibilities within MicroStation to create point 
symbols: cells or symbol fonts. Although cell are the default 
way, symbol fonts offer a number of advantages in terms of 
less storage requirements, easier updating a data set after 
applying changes and protection against unwanted changes, 
therefore this possibility was chosen. 
Line styles 
Within the ZV-Aut NRW, also a large variety of linear 
symbolization is defined. From cadastral boundaries and ferry 
routes as dashed lines in different variations of line styles and 
gaps, to hedges, fences and metro lines as combinations of 
lines and symbols. There are about forty different line styles. 
Employing the new MicroStation command 'custom line style’, 
a line style library was established, trying to fulfil] the 
requirements of the ZV-Aut NRW. 
Special attention was paid to the feature ‘hedge’, where the 
specification defines the opening of the circular symbol to be 
always heading south, disregarding the orientation of the base 
line. This could not be achieved with a satisfactory result. 
non-redundancy of the data set 
The most complex problem to be tackled is the non- 
redundancy. Out of several possibilities (color-coding, 
attaching a database, using tags, storing the OSKA-code as z- 
value, redundant capturing) the last possibility was chosen. As 
the data input is inhomogenous, the multi-theme lines are not 
easy to recognize during data capturing procedures already. For 
the work flow, this solution has only minor drawback. 
For data transfer, redundant data can be delivered via EDBS 
using the parameter FEIN. The target system has to take care, 
if an element is new or already stored in the database. If the 
object already exists, only the new OSKA-code has to be 
assigned [Steinbach 1995]. 
6. Practical test 
A practical test was performed in order to verify the 
possibilities of the data structure and user-interface designed. 
For the sake of realistic conditions, a test side in Germany was 
chosen. Due to personal contacts, a cooperation with the 
cadastral office of Wuppertal could be arranged. Aerial 
photographs and cadastral maps were supplied. The test was 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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