Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

performed using the technical equipment of Hanna Luftbild, 
German Air Survey, Münster. 
As first step, the digitizing of the cadastral maps was 
performed using an ARISTO A0 format high precision digitizer 
attached to a PC. The data captured were planned to be 
superimposed during stereo restitution using a ZEISS 
Planicomp P33, PC-based, equipped with MicroStation 5.0. 
and P-CAP, but the superimposition facility VIDEOMAP was 
not available. Therefore it was difficult, to recognize multi- 
theme lines based on the cadastral information during stereo 
restitution. The remaining information needed for the final date 
set was gathered during field completion and editing. After 
final editing and quality check, the data set was ready for hand 
over to the data transfer procedures, still to be developed. 
For more details see [Steinbach 1995]. 
7. Conclusion 
The experiment showed that all information for the German 
ALK data model can be accommodated in MicroStation 5.0, 
although the graphics software is neither object-oriented nor 
designed for a data set free of redundancy. 
8. References 
[Intergraph 1994] MircroStation PC Reference Guide Version 
5, Intergraph publication DGA054210, 9/93 
[NOEV 1980] Das Vorhaben ‘Automatisierung der 
Liegenschaftskarte', Various articles in: NOEV, Nachrichten 
aus dem  oeffentlichen — Vermessungsdienst Nordrhein- 
Westfalen, 3/1980 
[NOEV 1987] Various articles in: NOEV, Nachrichten aus dem 
oeffentlichen Vermessungsdienst Nordrhein-Westfalen, 
[NOEV 1989] Various articles in: NOEV, Nachrichten aus dem 
oeffentlichen Vermessungsdienst Nordrhein-Westfalen, 
[OSKA 1994] Vorschriften fuer die Verschluesselung der 
Grundrissobjekte des Liegenschaftskatasters in Nordrhein- 
Westfalen - Objektschluesselkatalog Liegenschaftskataster 
NRW  - (OSKA-Liegkat NRW), Runderlass des 
Innenministers, III C 3-7118, Stand: 1.6.1994, Vertrieb: 
[OBAK 1994] Vorschriften fuer die Bildung und Abbildung 
von Objekten der Automatisierten Liegenschaftskarte in 
Nordrhein-Westfalen - —Objektabbildungskatalog Liegen- 
schaftskataster NRW (OBAK-LiegKat NRW), Runderlass des 
Innenministers, III C 2-7118, Stand: 1.6.1994, Vertrieb: 
[Richter (Edt.) 1993] Richter, R. (Editor) Organization of 
Surveying and Mapping in the Federal Republic of Germany, 
Schriftenreihe DVW, Wittwer, Stuttgart, 10/1993 
[Stoeppler 1985a] Stoeppler, H. W.: Ueberblick ueber den 
Stand der Verfahrensentwicklung und die Anwendung der 
ALK, in: NOEV, Nachrichten aus dem oeffentlichen 
Vermessungsdienst Nordrhein-Westfalen, 1/1985, p. 9-21 
[Stoeppler 1985b] Stoeppler, H. W.: Einfuehrung in die 
Bildung von Grundrissobjekten des Liegenschaftskatasters und 
in ihre Abbildung in der Grundrissdatei der ALK, in: NOEV, 
Nachrichten aus dem oeffentlichen Vermessungsdienst 
Nordrhein-Westfalen, 1/1985, p. 21-46 
[Steinbach 1995] Steinbach, Anke: Photogrammetric Data 
Capture System For The German ALK Data Model, Msc- 
thesis, International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth 
Scienes (ITC), Enschede, The Netherlands 
[ZV-Aut 1994] Vorschriften fuer das automatisierte 
Zeichnen der Liegenschaftskarte in Nordrhein-Westfalen, 
Zeichenvorschrift-Aut NRW, Runderlass des Innenministers, 
II C 2-7118, Stand: 1.6.1994, Vertrieb: LVermA NRW 
9. Acknowledgments 
We would like to thank the following organizations for their 
- the cadastral office of the City of Wuppertal, Germany, for 
supplying the aerial photographs, maps and other information 
needed for the test of the procedure. 
- the Hansa Luftbild GmbH, Muenster, Federal Republic of 
Germany, for granting access to the technical equipment 
- the ‘Landesvermessungsamt Nordrhein-Westfalen’- , land 
survey office Northrhine-Westfalia“ for the supply of 
additional information. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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