Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

be true, the corresponding secondary class is assigned to the 
center pixel of the window. 
Each rule defines the minimum frequency of one or more pri- 
mary classes for one secondary class. When compared to the 
corresponding elements in the histogram the frequency values 
represent thresholds. If all thresholds are exceeded within a 
rule, it is recognized as true and the corresponding secondary 
class will be assigned. Though experiments with this approach 
produced useful results (Steinnocher et al. 1993), only simple 
patterns of primary classes could be recognized. Therefore the 
design of the rule-set was modified to allow for a combination 
of sub-rules within one major rule. Each sub-rule defines a 
threshold for one or more primary classes and all sub-rules 
have to be true to accept the major rule (Figure 1). Processing 
of the rule-set is performed step by step, starting at the top of 
the set. As soon as a rule is accepted and therefore applied, the 
rest of the rule-set will not be considered any more. If no rule is 
found to be true, a rejection class is assigned. 
Apart from the design of the rule-set, the size of the analyzed 
neighborhood represents a crucial parameter in the postclassifi- 
cation process. Choosing a small window size will lead to a 
‘noisy’ result since only high frequency structures will be rec- 
ognized. If the window is too large the smoothing effect will 
become very strong, thus leading to a loss of detail. At this 
point it has to be noted that the presented postclassification is a 
generalization process and will always suppress some details. 
On the other hand, this effect might as well be desired, e. g. for 
the generation of thematic maps (Wilkinson, 1993). Since 
generalization usually comes with an increase of scale - i.e. an 
increase of the pixel size in the raster domain - the algorithm 
includes the option of resampling, i.e. the size of the resulting 
pixels can be defined as a multiple of the original pixel size. 
Since the rule-set and the window sizes are defined by the user, 
the right choice of these parameters depends highly on the 
user's experience and on the objective of the application. 
3.1 Data description 
The data used in this application comprises 12 cloudfree Land- 
sat-TM scenes, covering the entire area of Austria. All images 
were acquired between August 7 and October 5, 1991, except 
one quarter scene, which was taken in August 1992. Due to 
stable weather conditions within the period of data acquisition, 
this data-set has a homogenous reflectance characteristic and 
therefore represents an optimum basis for further processing. In 
addition to the image data, a digital elevation model of Austria 
with a resolution of 50 m was available. 
For training and testing of the classification process reliable 
reference information is indispensable. To guarantee a consis- 
tent quality of the results, only data available for the entire area 
of Austria were used. The Austrian topographic map 1:50.000 
(ÓK 50) consisting of 213 map sheets provided information on 
major land-cover/use types such as man-made structures, water 
bodies, forest, bare rock and glaciers. Though the majority of 
the maps were updated in the late 1980's, a visual comparison 
with the image data was performed for training- and test-areas 
to ensure that no change had occured between the update and 
the acquisition of the image data. Since the maps do not distin- 
guish between the different uses of open land such as arable 
land, pastures, natural grassland etc., a second source of infor- 
mation was needed. It was found in a series of analogue satelli- 
te photographs, covering about 80% of the Austrian territory. 
They were taken by a KFA-1000 camera mounted on the Rus- 
sian space-platform MIR in 1991. The images offer two chan- 
nels in the red and the near infrared spectrum with a ground 
resolution of approximately 7 m. Interpretation of these images 
proved to be extremly valuable for generating reliable reference 
3.2 Geocoding 
To allow for a correct geometrical relationship between re- 
motely sensed imagery and other spatial information layers 
such as maps, it is necessary to geometrically transform the 
images to a map projection system. This transformation is 
commonly called rectification or geocoding. In flat terrain it is 
sufficient to apply a polynomial transformation based on 
ground control points. This approach will not be adequate in 
rugged terrain, since pixel displacements resulting from local 
differences in elevation are not considered. As most parts of 
Austria are extremely mountainous a high level geocoding 
method has to be applied to ensure a geometrically correct 
result. Based on linear ground control features, the orientation 
parameters of each image scan are computed by bundle block 
adjustment. Next the image-scans are geocoded with respect to 
a Digital Terrain Model. The final result is an Austrian wide 
ortho-image mosaic with a ground resolution of 25 m. As this 
part of the processing chain was not performed by the author, 
no further discussion will be given on this topic. Details on the 
theoretical background of high level geocoding and on the 
generation of the Austrian image mosaic can be found in Ecker 
et al. (1991) and Ecker et al. (1995). 
3.3 Spectral classification 
As the amount of data to be processed comes up to more than 2 
Gigabytes, the ortho images are stratified with respect to the 
different Austrian landforms. The average size of the resulting 
sub-scenes is about 5000x5000 pixels, including overlap areas 
between the scenes. 
ELSE IF ... 
ELSE rejection class 
IF F,, [1F,, ...] ? thr [AND FA[-F,, ...] ? thr...] THEN SC 
ELSE IF F,[+F,, ...] > thr [AND F,[+F,, ...] > thr ...] THEN SC 
ELSE IF F, [+F,, ...] > thr [AND F, [+F,, ...] > thr ...] THEN SC 
with F,,.: relative frequency of primary class; SC: secondary class; thr: threshold 
Figure 1: syntax of the rule-set 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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