Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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The stratified scenes are subject to unsupervised classification, 
leading to 50 significant spectral classes per scene. The result is 
compared to reference data, and land-cover types are assigned 
(Table 1). Unsupervised classification is given preference over 
the supervised technique, because the assignment of classes a 
posteriori is generally less time-consuming than the selection of 
training areas - especially when working on large data-sets. 
This advantage is diminished by the fact that the signatures 
generated by clustering will not always meet the expectations 
of the analyst, i.e. one class can be represented by several sig- 
natures, and two or more classes might fall into one generated 
signature. In the first case aggregation of classes will solve the 
problem. The second case cannot be solved without additional 
information from the image data. Applying supervised training 
for the ‘missing’ classes helps to overcome the problem, thus 
leading to a hybrid classification with a few signatures defined 
over training areas, whereas the majority of signatures results 
from the clustering process. Experience gained during the proj- 
ect work has shown that the cover types ‘mixed built-up’ and 
‘vineyards’ cannot be detected reliably by clustering. There- 
fore, these land-cover types are trained applying the supervised 
method. The hybrid classification results in a land-cover layer 
representing all classes except the alpine ones (Table 1, 14-15). 
A different approach was used for the analysis of areas above 
the timberline. In these areas the spectral response of land- 
cover is influenced by the different illumination angles result- 
ing from variation of the terrain. This so called terrain effect 
can be significantly reduced by employing ratio images. De- 
spite the loss of information caused by image rationing, the use 
of the NDVI proved to be sufficient for identification of the 
cover types in question. To distinguish between ‘alpine’ and 
‘non alpine’ cover types the digital terrain model is intersected 
with the classified image. All cover types except forest and 
water are defined as alpine areas if located above a certain alti- 
tude. For these areas the NDVI is calculated and thresholded 
with respect to reference data, thus allowing for the seperation 
of alpine vegetation and non vegetated alpine areas. 
ciers. Natural vegetation represents all areas with vegetation 
cover except forest, which do not result from human activities, 
e.g. natural grassland and shrubs. No vegetation stands for 
opened spaces with little or no vegetation such as bare soil or 
rock. Water comprises water courses as well as water bodies, 
wetlands represents non-forested waterlogged areas. 
Level I Level II 
I artificial surfaces L1 high density urban 
L2 low density urban 
L3 green urban 
L4 industrial/commercial/traffic 
L5 mineral extraction sites 
IT agricultural areas | II.1 arable land 
IL2 vineyards 
IL3 pastures 
IL4 heterogeneous agricultural areas 
III natural areas III.1 forest 
IIL.2 natural vegetation 
IIL.3 no vegetation 
IILA glacier 
IV wetlands IV.1 wetlands 
V water V.1 water 
1 water 9 grass (high) 
2 pure built-up 10 grass (low) 
3 mixed built-up 11 wetlands 
4 pavement 12 shrub 
5 gravel 13 forest 
6 bare soil 14 alpine vegetation 
7 crops 15 non vegetated alpine areas 
8 vineyards 16 glaciers 
Table 1: example for land-cover classes 
3.4 Spatial Classification 
The definition of the final land-use types is adapted from the 
CORINE land-cover nomenclature (EUR, 1993) and comprises 
5 Level I and 15 Level II classes (Table 2). High and low den- 
sity urban represent different densities of built-up areas, green 
urban areas refers to artificially vegetated areas within an ur- 
ban environment, such as parks or cemeteries. Indus- 
trial/commercial/traffic areas include industrial structures and 
shopping malls as well as large train stations and airports. Min- 
eral extraction sites comprises all kinds of surface mines. 
These five land-use classes are aggregated under artificial sur- 
faces. The second Level I class, agricultural areas, is separated 
into arable land, vineyards and pastures. Agricultural areas, 
where none of the three land-use types dominates, are defined 
as heterogeneous agricultural areas. Forest and natural areas 
comprises forest, natural vegetation, no vegetation and gla- 
Table 2: land-use nomenclature (adapted from CORINE, 1993) 
To derive the land-use classes the spatial postclassification 
algorithm is applied to the land-cover layer. As discussed 
above, the result of this algorithm strongly depends on the size 
of the window which determines the degree of generalisation. 
The size of the output pixel is defined by 4x4 input pixels, thus 
leading to a cell-size of 100x100m in the final land-use layer. 
Based on the experience gained from former studies on spatial 
classification (Steinnocher et al. 1993, Ecker et al. 1995) two 
different window sizes are defined as local neighbourhood, 
depending on the land-use classes. In the first run, artificial 
surface classes, forest, glacier, water and wetlands are post- 
classified applying a 8x8 pixel window. This size corresponds 
to 200x200m, which is suitable for recognising urban struc- 
tures without causing too much generalisation. Homogenous 
classes such as forest (III.1), glacier (111.4), water (V.1) and 
wetlands (IV.1) can be found by examining the portion of the 
corresponding cover-type within the window (Table 3: rule 1- 
3). To detect heterogeneous land-use types, a composition of 
primary classes has to be analysed (rule 4-7), e.g. high density 
urban (1.1) is expected to consist more than 7096 of pure built- 
up (2) and pavement (4), with pure-built up covering at least 
40% (rule 5). All areas which do not meet any condition in the 
rule-set are assigned to the rejection class. 
rule condition land-use class 
(13) > 50 % TII 
f(17) > 50 % 111.4 
f(1) >50% V.1 
f(9) > 50% :TV.1 
(£2) + f(4)} > 70 % AND f(2)> 40 % :L1 
Q2) + f(4)} > 70 % AND f(4) > 40 % :14 
{f(4) + f(5)} > 70 % AND f(5) > 40 % :L5 
{f() + f(4)} > 50 % AND f(3)> 30 % :I2 
ELSE :0 (rejected) 
O0 —-1 QV tA SR UN — 
with f(n): frequency of land-cover type n (class numbers refer to tables 1 and 2) 
Table 3: example of rule-set I 
The rejected areas are used as a mask for the primary classifi- 
cation layer, thus leaving only non-postclassified areas for the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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