Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

calculated by a ratio between driving moment and 
resistance moment on the profile. When the 
safety factor is calculated on every pixel, such risk 
map can be generated. Fellenius method as slope 
stability analysis was selected in this study. In 
this method, landslide type is assumed rotational 
slip (Figure 11). A landslide soil is divided into 
some slices in order to calculate moment along the 
critical circle. The driving moment(T) and 
resistance moment(N) on each slice are calculated 
by the following equation. 
T zB.W. sino 
N = R(C- L + tanp- W- cos a) 
R Radius of Critical Surface (m) 
€ Cohesion (t/m2) 
0 Angle of Shearing Resistance (degree) 
W Weight of Each Slice (t/m) (W =v, A) 
Y Wet Unit Weight of Soil (t/m°) 
A Area of Slice (m?) 
o Angle between Horizontal Axis and the Base 
of Slice (degree) 
L Length of the Base of Slice (m) 
Therefore safety factor(Fs) is calculated 
by the following equation. 
Fs iN 
Originally, parameters of soil mechanics (C, 
6, y) and radius of critical surface (R) should be 
determined by experimental data and field survey 
data on each pixel. In this study, those parameters 
were given by constant value as follows: 
R =200m, C = 2.0t/m?, ¢= 10°, y= 1.9t/m?3 
When profile at target pixel was drawn along 
the steepest direction, Other parameters can be 
estimated by DEM. If this safety factor calculation 
applied every pixel, slope stability risk can be 
An index of safety factor accuracy is also 
used percentages of correct pixels. In this case, 
correct pixel means difference with verification 
safety factor value indicates inside of 0.2. Figure 
12 shows relationship between contour line 
interval and correct percentage in each method. 
Buffering method is always located the highest 
accuracy. The safety factor accuracy requires slope 
gradient and slope aspect. Buffering method made 
very good result for slope stability analysis. 
When existing interpolation method used for 
r — -$- - - Profile 
8$ 4000| --J8-- Window 
2 L fu Buffering 
€ 30.00 L 
5 5 
= 20.00 L 
© § I 
oO 10.00 1 1 1 1 L ey i 
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 
Contour line interval (m) 
Figure 12 Relationship between contour line interval 
and correct percentage of slope stability 
small scale contour map, some problems were 
occurred. For example, profile method has much 
error in elevation value. Window method has 
much error in slope gradient. 
In this study, buffering method was 
developed for continental DEM generation from a 
small scale map. The developed method was 
compared with existing methods on elevation, 
slope gradient, slope aspect, stream pattern and 
slope stability. In all items, the buffering method 
showed the best results. 
A contour line interval influenced accuracy of 
DEM. When contour line interval becomes over 
300m, a correct percentage becomes less than 50%. A 
percentage of pixels which are consisted contour 
line is about 10% in case of 300m contour interval. 
Moreover, in case of 100m contour interval, the 
percentage becomes 30%. Therefore, at least 20% 
contour line information on whole map are required 
for reliable DEM generation. 
[1] S. Viseshsin and S. Murai (1990), "Automated Height 
Information Extraction from Existing Topographic 
Map", International Archives of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, Vol.28 Part 4, pp.338 - 346 
[2] K. Fukue, Y. Kuroda, H. Shimoda and T. Sakata (1990), 
" Simple DEM Generation Method from a Contour 
Image", International Archives of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, Vol.28 Part 4, pp.347 - 355 
[3] F. Ackermann (1994), " Digital Elevation Models - 
Techniques and Application, Quality Standards, 
Development", International Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol.30 Part 4, 
pp-421 - 432 
[4] G. Aumann and H. Ebner (1990), "Generation of High 
Fidelity Digital Terrain Models from Contours", 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, Vol. 29 Part 4, pp.980 - 985 
[5] M. Takagi, S. Murai and T. Akiyama, 1992, 
"Generation of Land Disaster Risk Map from 
LANDSAT TM and DTM Data", International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 
Vol.29 Commission VII, pp.754-759 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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