Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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Photogrammetry has established itself as the main 
technique for obtaining precise three dimensional 
measurements. It involves the use of overlapping images to 
recreate the original stereo geometry of each adjacent pair 
of images, from which precise three dimensional 
measurements can be derived. Conventional 
photogrammetry involves the use of specialist and 
expensive plotting equipment to mimic the stereo geometry 
at the moment of image exposure using optical trains. The 
operator first has to measure calibrated points on the film, 
either fiducials or reseau marks, to establish a relationship 
between film space coordinates and model space 
coordinates. The machines are set up or 'oriented' using a 
pair of original hardcopy diapositives in left and right stage 
plates. Each stage plate can be positioned with respect to 
each other and oriented in x, y and z using threaded 
spindles to emulate the precise attitude and position of 
each diapositive with respect to each other. In this way any 
roll, pitch or yaw in the taking camera or satellite can be 
recreated to replicate the attitude and position of each 
image at the moment of its exposure. At this point the 
images are said to be in relative orientation. Absolute 
orientation, based on real world coordinates, requires the 
operator to observe and measure known ground control 
points in the model space as well. 
Once oriented, all residual y-parallax will have been 
eliminated, allowing the operator to view the model in 
stereo, a projective geometry termed epipolar. When 
viewed in stereo, conjugate image points appear in different 
positions in each of the images. This 'apparent' movement 
of the imaged point is due to the movement of the observer 
(in this case the aircraft or the satellite platform) and is 
known a parallax. Its measurement forms the basis of 
determining height. The only remaining parallax will be in 
the x direction, the amount of x-parallax being a function of 
height. Using a half mark etched in the optics of each lens, 
the operator can ‘float’ the point and move it in a vertical 
direction. By placing the point "on the ground" , individual 
features in the model can be heighted. 
This process has some fundamental drawbacks when 
compared to digital techniques. Firstly, it is all based on 
very specialised hardware. It is largely mechanical 
(analogue) although some plotters can be upgraded to 
include linear encoders powered by servo-motors 
(analytical) which will drive the operator to pre-defined 
points for measuring. Both analytical and analogue 
machines however are designed to carry out these single 
specific tasks and cannot be used for other applications. 
Secondly, the process is a highly skilled one which requires 
many hours of training and hence increased staffing costs. 
Most of the operations are also very labour intensive, 
particularly the collection of height data as each point has 
to be visited and measured ‘individually. Experienced 
operators can measure anywhere between 6 and 10 points 
a minute and like all manual work, it could only be 
maintained at the desired accuracy for a specified period of 
time, certainly no more than 8 hours maximum. This will 
also contribute significantly to overall production costs. 
With the advent of sophisticated photogrammetric software 
and ever increasing and inexpensive computer power, 
softcopy photogrammetric workstations to a large extent 
replace the human operator and automatically create the 
DTM by means of digital image processing. With production 
speeds in excess of 150 points per second, the DTM 
production time is significantly reduced. The history of 
digital photogrammetry can be traced back to the late 
1950's, since which time photogrammetry has undergone a 
tremendous change and softcopy photogrammetry now 
offers the potential to generate terrain databases with 
greater speed, at lower cost and with less training and 
photogrammetric skill than ever before. 
The major difference between digital and conventional 
photogrammetric systems is that images used in digital 
systems are in digital format and hence suitable for 
processing by computers. If conventional aerial 
photographs are used, then they will need to be scanned 
prior to input into the system. The systems can also make 
use of image data collected digitally, such as satellite 
imagery. In this context, the SPOT satellite is the most 
commonly used as it currently provides the highest 
resolution stereo overlap coverage. However other digital 
CCD cameras could also be used. 
As with conventional analytical instruments, digital 
photogrammetric workstations carry out the same 
orientation process in order to model the original stereo 
geometry. The principles used are exactly the same, but 
the implementation is faster and offers greater ease of use 
through intuitive software interfaces. There are a variety of 
automated tools based on cross correlation of image 
patches to locate and measure fiducials in the image, tie 
points, pass points and ground control points. The 
correlator can be trained to recognise and measure 
fiducials for various camera types and, with the exception 
of observing a minimal amount of ground control, the entire 
orientation process is automated, requiring very little 
attendance and operator time. 
The area where most research has been concentrated is 
that of automated DEM collection. Sophisticated algorithms 
have been developed to replace manual collection and 
whilst there are differences between various collection 
algorithms, the problem of automating the process of DEM 
capture has generally been solved. 
The methods that are mostly used are either area-based or 
feature-based matching techniques using correlation of 
small image templates between image pairs. Once 
oriented, the software computes the coefficients of a set of 
rational polynomials which summarises the stereo 
geometry. These are used by the DEM correlator to 
emulate the projective geometry of the cameras. The 
normalised cross correlation approach discussed here is an 
area based algorithm that digitally correlates points based 
on tonal variations present in each image. Areas that have 
high tonal and textural variation will be correlated very 
quickly as the correlator uses the high frequency 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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