Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

4. DTM estimation 
We use a module of the MATCH-T software package, 
which is basically a robust estimation, to generate a 
regular DTM grid from the filtered point cloud. This is 
done for each of the overlapping DTM units separately. 
The final step is the averaging of the overlapping areas, 
which results in a DTM for the whole project area. 
4.4 Results of first tests using the morphological filter 
The above described automatic process for DTM generation 
has been tested on a data set which was flown with 60/60 
geometry, in terms of run time, disk space usage and 
Table 1 summarizés the result of run times on each single 
step of the DTM generation for a DTM shape, 92 by 92 
mm in plate system. Note: Components marked with * have 
do be done six times separately for each of the six different 
combination of four images. The times shown in the table 
are therefore six times a "normal" MATCH-T run. 
was a conventionally measured surface description that rep- 
resents the "real ground", namely a dense set of 3-D mass 
points and break lines which were originally measured for ac- 
curate contour interpolation. The table shows the RMS value 
( Y — 25)2/(n — D) of the different data compared to 
this reference. The difference in the RMS of the DTM com- 
puted with and without the morphological filtering, confirms 
the necessity of the filtering, especially in urban areas. 
: [ft] 
USGS DTM (level 1) 14.9 
MATCH-T DTM without filtering (60um) 10.7 
Filtered 3-D point cloud (60um) 3.4 
Filtered 3-D point cloud (30um) 37 
Final DTM using filtered 3-D point cloud (60pm) 3.4 
Table 3: 
Run time 
DTM processing per 6 x 1/4 image 
5 Final Conclusions of first results 
At the time of writing the system had not been fully run from 
beginning to end. However, the preliminary results of all the 
different phases, particularly the AIO, the automatic mea- 
surement of paneled control points, the filtering of the 3-D 
point cloud, and the stereo editing system, have all been ex- 
tremely gratifying. The system is expected to go into limited 
production this summer. 
[FORSTNER W., GULCH E. 87] A Fast Operator for De- 
Resolution 30pm 60pm 
[min:sec] | [min:sec] 
Normalization * 14:12 3:42 
Image Pyramid * 5:42 1:30 
Feature pyramid * 8:12 1:54 
Point cloud generation (matching) * 15:24 5:48 
Point cloud filtering 2:55 2:43 
Final DTM estimation 6:17 6:03 
| Total [..5242 | 210 | 
Table 1: 
Table 2 shows the disk space usage for MATCH-T run on 
a single DTM shape model, and for the final (all four per- 
spectives combined) DTM generation. Most of the data has 
to be kept only temporarily. Only the final DTM and the 
normalized images are needed for the final DTM editing. 
Disk space usage 
Resolution 30um | 60um 
[MB] | [MB] 
DTM processing per 1/4 image 
DTM shape 18 5 
Pyramid of the normalized DTM shape 23 6.6 
Feature pyramid 10 2.6 
DTM processing per 6 x 1/4 image 
Point cloud (MATCH-T) 9 3.8 
Final DTM (binary, 24 ft grid) 01 0.1 
Table 2: 
Table 3 summarizes the accuracy of different DTM's and 
the 3-D point cloud. The reference for this investigation 
tecting and Precise Location of Distinct Points, Corners 
and Centers of Circular Features. Proceedings ISPRS In- 
tercommission Workshop, Interlaken 1987, pp. 281-305 
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Image Analysis Using Mathematical Morphology. IEEE 
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[KRZYSTEK P. 91] Fully Automatic Measurement of Digital 
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proach To Automatic Aerial Triangulation and Automatic 
DEM Generation. XVIII ISPRS, Commission Ill, Vienna, 
[POTH Z., SCHICKLER W. 96] The Automatic Interior Ori- 
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Vienna, 1996 
[WEIDNER U. 94] Parameterfree ^ Information-Preserving 
Surface Rectoration. In: Eklundh J.-O. (Ed.), Computer 
Vision -ECCV 94, Vol.11 Proceedings, pp. 218 - 224, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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