Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

information, a main processing system for heat 
balance analysis in our thermal inertia mapping system 
(TIMS) was developed for heat balance and hydrological 
evaluation in northeast Asia. This system using NOAA 
satellite data was expanded from my approach discussed 
earlier using air and spaceborne MSS data. Although 
some parameters or models in our module still need to 
be improved, this construction of a TIMS for satellite 
remote sensing data is almost complete, substituting 
physical quantities such as the diffusion coefficient and 
downward shortwave radiation into our analytically 
developed thermal inertia model. 
The author wishes to thank Dr. Zenbei Uchijima, 
Professor of Miyazaki Municipal University, who 
offered advice during this study, and Dr. Hiroshi Seino, 
National Institute of Agro-environmental Sciences, who 
helped in the construction of our system for installation 
of his program. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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