Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

The philosophy behind TDN’s decision is that all kinds 
of GIS, containing user-specific objects and attributes, 
have to be supported. Therefore, data interchange is 
crucial and not the data production-environment. 
Secondly, TDN itself does not have the intention at this 
moment to query or analyse its data. TDN's application 
is map production, which does not require a GIS. 
The disadvantage of production in a GIS-environment is 
its complexity. Not only topological relationships have to 
be ensured, also linkages to the attribute data have to be 
maintained. Another disadvantage of GIS-production 
concerns the costs: GIS-licenses are more expensive than 
CAD-licenses. Obviously, the number of attributes to be 
stored in a CAD-system is limited. To overcome this 
problem, each feature can be assigned to an unique 
identifier, which refers to an ASCII-data-table. Moreover, 
when the need arises, a GIS-environment can be created 
for certain applications. 
Although TOPlOvector is produced in a CAD- 
environment, a few attributes can be stored, mainly to 
describe the features in the database. TOP10vector 
contains coded points, lines and areas. Multiple-coding is 
applied in order to store the necessary attributes. These 
attributes are stored within the applicable geometric 
features. The data is structured in a topological way: all 
areas are closed and left/right information is added as 
attribute data. 
One TOP10vector-dataset covers an area of 62.5 km”. 
The term dataset is preferred over database and is defined 
as the collection of all topographic files covering one map 
sheet 1:10,000. A dataset consists of the following files: 
BASE-file (BAS): 
coded point and line features, topologically structured 
(roadsides, ditches), plus centroids, representing the 
area code (forest, grassland) 
SYMBOLS-file (SYM): 
point features together with their cartographic 
representation, like post-office, bridge 
line features together with their cartographic 
representation, like row of trees, height differences 
closed polygons representing individual buildings 
AREA-file (AREA): 
closed polygons, computed from the BASE-file. 
The AREA-file is fully derived from the BAS-file. 
Through the centroïds and their bounding lines, areas are 
built which are stored as closed polygons with the area- 
codes copied from the centroids. The buildings in the 
BLD-file are not topologically linked with the features in 
the BAS-file. 
A simple example of the content of TOP10vector is given 
in figure 2. The centroids of the BAS-file are not 
The Netherlands Council for Geographic Information 
(RAVI) carried out a feasibility-study for a nationwide 
uniform geometric reference at scale 1:10,000, a so-called 
core database. The study revealed that there is a real need 
for such a database. The defined content and structure 
corresponds with a selection from TOP10vector-features. 
Recently, TDN and RAVI have established a 
TOP10vector-user-forum, in which all interested users 
can participate. In this forum, user-requirements can be 
formulated and, when accepted, implemented in 
TOP10vector. Important users are various ministries, 
provinces, municipalities, water boards and utility 
TDN has a long tradition in regularly updating 
topographic maps. In order to keep the map production 
going, TDN decided to combine the updating with the 
analogue-digital conversion. The production method is 
visualized in figure 3. 
TOP10vector is based on an intensive reconnaissance 
survey, using monochrome aerial photographs at scale 
1:18,000. These aerial photographs are enlarged to scale 
1:10,000. The process starts with a comparison between 
the existing map and the aerial photograph. A positive 
film, representing the existing map, is made. Map 
features, which are not longer existing, are marked on the 
film. New topography is annotated on the photograph. 
Not all changed topography can be interpreted. Also 
additional information, like land cover classification and 
geographic names, has to be collected. Therefore, 
topographers carry out a reconnaissance survey after the 
preparation in the office. In the field, the same procedure 
is followed: non-existing map features are marked on the 
PAT TOP10vector 
Figure 2 TOP10vector 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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