Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

product for new applications. It is quite likely that 
specifications have to be adapted to new user- 
requirements. These requirements may, for example, be 
formulated within the TOP10vector-user-forum. 
Changes in topography: It is evident that these changes 
appear in the change-only datasets. 
Corrections/improvements: This category is of great 
concern. When the new orthophoto is placed behind the 
existing dataset, mismatches may be visible. These 
mismatches may be errors, which have to be corrected. 
They also may be irrelevant, as they are caused by the 
statistical processes of the data capture. In our practice, 
it is very difficult to give clear guidelines to distinguish 
between errors and statistical noise. 
Edge-matching: Edge-matching is the process of 
connecting features at the border of two adjacent datasets. 
Connecting datasets produced in different years will result 
in changes. In the near future, the number of changes 
caused by edge-matching will drop significantly, because 
edge-matching has its largest effect at the initial dataset 
production. However, the problem of edge-matching will 
always arise at the border of areas with different revision 
Structural changes: Due to the topological structure, 
features will be split up or merged when a connecting 
feature is added or deleted respectively. The structural 
changes (split or merge) will appear in the change-only 
datasets, although they do not represent changes in the 
It is impossible to produce change-only-datasets where the 
changes are classified by the five causes of change, 
described above. Only the structural changes can be 
automatically filtered. Another valuable difference can be 
made between geometrical changes and attribute value 
changes. Therefore, the change-only extraction 
distinguishes the following types of changes: 
features-deletions: change in geometry 
features-additions: change in geometry 
features-deletions: change in attribute values 
. features-additions: change in attribute values 
features-deletions without structural changes (subset of 
features-additions without structural changes (subset of 
© ao os 
As said earlier, all file-types are compared. Some types 
of change are not applicable for certain file-types, due to 
the content and structure of these files. Table 5 shows 
which files are produced after comparison of two 
The required content of change-only datasets depends on 
the application. For the TOP10vector change-only check- 
plots, the following specifications have been formulated: 
All changes have to appear on the plots except the 
1. Structural changes (they are logic and do not need to 
be checked): both BAS-files FILTERED appear on the 
plot instead of the BAS-files GEOMETRY. 
2. Small geometrical differences, caused by line- 
smoothing algorithms, should not be plotted. 
Therefore, a tolerance value of 40 cm is used. 
3. Deleted areas (they do not need to be checked): the 
AREA-files GEOMETRY (del) and ATTRIBUTE(del) 
do not appear on the plot. 
del add del add del add 
Ener sl 
B AS * * * * * * 
AREA * »* * * 
BLD * * 
SYM * * 
PAT * * 
Table 5 Files produced by comparison 
However, for delivery of change-only datasets to users 
other specifications may be valid. In order to preserve 
consistency in the topological structure, they may require 
all files, except the FILTERED-files, produced without 
a tolerance value. 
Some differences between change-only information for 
check-plots and delivery to users are visualized in figure 
6. The nodes are visualized in TOP10vector to indicate 
the start- and end-points of line-features. Topographic 
edges are line features to separate two topographic areas, 
for example roadsides. In this example four changes are 
- a new building 
an attribute-change of an area (cropland into grassland) 
an attribute-change of a line (topographic edge into 
one area is split into two (grassland split up in 
grassland and cropland). 
Each change will be discussed in more detail, reference 
is made to table 5 and figure 6. 
The new building appears in the BLD-file 
GEOMETRY(add). It appears both on the checkplot B2 
and the change-only file C2 for delivery. | 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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