Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

In this work it was shown how to develop a 
flight simulator, based on a terrain, 
using Digital Elevation Models. It is 
necessary to decide between a fast display 
and a more realistic display of the 
results. In this case, the proper choice 
of interpolators linear for shading and 
Akima for grid refining) optimized the 
results. Thus this simple simulator can be 
run on a typical microcomputer  (IBM-PC, 
486/66, 8 Mbytes RAM) 
The realistic quality of the generated 
frames can be improved, if more 
sophisticated illumination and texture 
methods are employed, but care should be 
taken to avoid a loss in computer speed. 
It is possible to include vegetation, 
buildings, and other features. In future 
works this can be done. 
While improvements can be added, it is 
believed that the goal of having a simple 
flight simulator, based on a real terrain, 
running on a standard microcomputer was 
achieved. This software can also be used 
to the development of better flight 
simulators systems. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996

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