Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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3.3 Phase three 
In 1995 a third procurement was made, confirming 
OSI's confidence in digital photogrammetry. This 
reflected a need for additional capacity to meet deadlines 
on some of the programmes. The intention was to focus 
the new units on data capture for the large scale rural 
database, which is being totally resurveyed. The 
opportunity was taken also to upgrade the system 
generally. Thus the slower DSW 100 scanner was traded 
in for a second DSW200. Five new stereoscopic 
workstations were purchased and the monoscopic one 
was upgraded to stereo. The first DSW200 was provided 
with a more powerful host computer and its existing host 
redeployed as the basis of one of the DPWs. The 
scanners were also equipped with dual screens and full 
stereoscopic viewing, in order to run the Helava 
Automated Triangulation System module. They share a 
60 GB RAID array for top disk performance. Total disk 
capacity on the 17 workstations is around 100 GB. Many 
of the software modules were issued on a floating licence 
basis to reduce costs. Importantly, considerable efforts 
were made to improve network performance, on which 
the transfer of the 80 MB images obtained by scanning at 
a resolution of 25 pum placed considerable demands. 
Switching hub technology consisting of a wave switch 
with 80 MB per second total transfer rate and a fibre 
optic link to the DECnet was added: each scanner has a 
Fast Ethernet (100-BaseT) line and each DPW a 
dedicated 10-BaseT connection. This gives the scanners 
much faster links, eliminates network collisions and 
enables any DPW to contact the DECnet directly. The 
current system is summarised in Figure 2. 
3.4 Software for quality control 
Towards the end of this phase, OSI were commissioned 
by the Department of Agriculture to quality control 
newly generated orthophotos obtained from 1:40,000 
aerial photography of Ireland. The orthophotos were 
required for the validation of claims made by farmers for 
subsidies under the European Common Agricultural 
Policy. In all there were 27,000 orthophoto tiles covering 
an area of 2 km x 1.5 km each. Each tile was 3 MB in 
size and delivered by the contractor on CD-ROM. This 
was a daunting task and quality control software to semi- 
automate the process was commissioned from Helava. 
The need for quality control of orthophotos has drawn 
comment from users of digital photogrammetric systems 
(Armenakis, Regan and Dow, 1995; Manzer, 1995) and, 
indeed, ASPRS has instituted a committee charged with 
developing appropriate standards (Nale, 1995). 
The software performs two groups of straightforward, 
useful checks. There are batch checks on all orthophotos: 
presence; existence of associated support files; 
correctness of formats, for example TIFF; confirmation 
that files contain images; grey scale histograms. These 
are complemented by interactive checks on a sample: 
rmse of measured coordinates of ground control points; 
image quality; visual checks on mosaicking and edge 
matching, and image completeness. At the time of 
writing, this software is operational and initial 
experiences have been satisfactory. 
3.5 Phase four 
At the time of writing, OSI is reconsidering the 
specification requirements for the rural mapping 
database. This review will include a comprehensive 
redefinition of the content and accuracy of the database. 
It is likely that the specification will vary for different 
parts of the country depending on terrain and population 
density. Without preempting the result of the review, it is 
reasonable to say that an alternative to stereoplotting is 
being considered. Head-up digitising on a monoscopic 
screen from digital orthophotos or monoscopic plotting 
from raw imagery with on-line DTM is being examined. 
OSI already has an accurate DTM generated by the 
Helava systems. New approaches are being assessed so 
that progress with the resurvey and the creation of the 
rural database can be accelerated. Moreover, cost factors 
plus the shortage of operators noted below make 
stereoplotting less attractive. The review should be 
complete by the end of June 1996, when it is expected 
that a decision on the fourth procurement will be made. 
At first there were some doubts about digital 
photogrammetry on the part of the instrument operators, 
many of whom had considerable experience in 
triangulation or compilation, primarily on analytical 
plotters. Moreover, it proved impossible in Dublin to 
recruit additional staff to operate the new equipment 
being procured in the public sector, owing to an embargo 
on recruitment. This problem was addressed by 
decentralisation: the Kern and Leica analytical plotters 
were relocated to the regional offices, as shown in Figure 
2. Moreover, the change from revision to resurvey caused 
the 100 revision staff to be reduced to eight, but much of 
this was achieved by relocation to regional offices. 
Dissatisfaction with the daily work decreased as the early 
tendency to subject DTMs to excessive editing was 
curbed, workflows suited to digital rather than analytical 
photogrammetry emerged and the software became more 
user friendly, for example the triangulation module and 
ATLAS. KLT have implemented the latter on the DPWs 
such that it runs as smoothly as on the analogue and 
analytical workstations. As staff become “Unix literate”, 
lead operators acquire skills in systems administration, 
which reduce any residual fear of the technology. Today, 
operators prefer digital to analytical workstations. 
Figure 3. One of the two digital photogrammetry rooms, 
showing a number of the DPW770s with SPARCstation 
20s and Nu Vision stereoscopic viewing systems 
Tremendous esprit de corps has been engendered by the 
sheer size of the new installation. The digital systems 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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