Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Mean [m] Std.Dev.[m] 
Test 1 -2.0 10.5 
Test 2 3.5 13:3 
Test 3 4.7 11.9 
Test 4 17 10.7 
Test 4a 4.6 11:1 
Test 4b 6.0 11:7 
Test 4c 14.6 11.2 
Test 4d 24.6 11.0 
Table 2. Height errors in the computed DEM 
The results are remarkable in that the standard 
deviation seems to be unaffected by the distance and 
distribution of control. The mean error is also very 
stable, showing only minor fluctuations with the 
distance of the control. However, when reducing the 
number of control to very few, the mean error 
The investigation demonstrates the high geometrical 
performance of the JERS-1 system regarding VNIR 
scenes. The investigation had two objectives: 
accuracy and stability. The results show that it is 
possible to achieve planimetric accuracies in the order 
of 1/4 pixel, and that the stability allows 1/2 pixel 
accuracies in strip triangulation with as few as two 
control points. The altimetric accuracy was found to 
be better than 20 m rms error, also when the control 
was extrapolated from over 200 km distance. 
These results were achieved despite an extremely 
high roll rate, which proves the high quality of roll rate 
measurements. On the other hand, a small trend can 
be seen in the residuals which indicate a possible bias 
in pitch rate measurement. This should be 
investigated further. 
The author wish to thank NASDA for providing the 
JERS-1 scenes for this investigation. 
NASDA, 1990: Japanese ERS-1 to Ground Station 
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Nishidai, T., 1993: Early results from 'Fuyo-1' Japans 
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Rosenholm, D., 1987: Multi-point matching using the 
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dimensional models. Photogrammetric Engineering & 
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Westin, T., 1990: Precision rectification of SPOT 
imagery. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote 
Sensing, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 247-253. 
Westin, T., 1991: Pass processing and extrapolation 
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Westin, T., 1995: Geometric rectification of JERS-1 
OPS VNIR scenes. Final report of JERS-1/ERS-1 
System Verification Program. MITI/NASDA, Vol. I, pp. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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