Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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rity to 
e General Directorate of Title-Deeds and Cadastre, 
(TKGM 1:1000, 1:2500, 1:5000) 
e General Commander Office for Mapping, (HGK - 
1:10000, 1:25000 ad smaller) 
e Municipalities, (1:1000) 
e General Directorate of Highways, (KGM - 1: 5000) 
e General Management of Provincial Bank, (IB - 1: 
5000, 1:10000) 
e General Directorate of Turkish Coal Mines, (TKI - 
e Technical Searching Institute for Mining, (MTA - 
1:10000, 1:25000) 
eo Turkish Petroleum Partnership Plc, (TPAO - 1: 
e General Directory for Construction of Ports and 
Airports, (HLIGM - 1:1000) 
e Electrical Works Board, (TEK - 1:5000) 
e General Directorate for Land and Agricultural 
Reform, (TTRGM - 1:1000, 1:5000) 
e General Directorate of Post, Telephone and 
Telegram, (PTT - 1:25000) 
e General Directorate of Forest, (OGM - 1:10000) 
The private sector also produces maps in Turkey, 
examples of which includes, producing large scale maps 
for private companies or public institutions like 
municipalities, applications of projects, etc. Due to a new 
law in mid 1980s, the private sector also got to 
opportunity to produce photogrammetric maps. 
Consequently, large scale photogrammetric maps of the 
big cities like Istanbul and Ankara now being produced 
by the private sector. 
Development plans in Turkey are done in the period of 
five years by the National Planning Institution (DPT). In 
the period of sixth 5-Years Development Plan, it is 
suggested that an institution responsible for the whole 
map and cadastre services in the country to be set up, 
bearing in mind the needs of the individuals and 
establishments. benefiting from the map services, except 
for the production of maps for military purposes (Seker, 
Some of the expected benefits can be summarized as 
* Time and cost effect in using resources. 
*  Possibility of using so much information that could 
not be possible by classical 
* methods. 
*  Possibility of having comparative data in all kinds of 
planning operations. 
* Preventing the outside-the-plan developments by 
timely warning of the administrative and using units 
in information exchanges. 
* Developing the contents of available maps, thus 
making it possible to use them as 
* Sheet in construction planning engineering services 
and technical services of the differences between 
mapping systems and GIS. 
* Planning, application and control of underground 
* Justice in taxation of avoiding loss of taxes. 
* Speed in rationalization and consistency in amounts. 
* Access to easy and accurate information by the 
* Obtaining countrywide reliable information about the 
use of agricultural land. 
*  Directing the use of land according to the needs of 
the country. 
* Determining the soil types of the country. 
* Determining and conserving the public land. 
*  Re-handling the cadastral operations and removing 
the negative points. 
* Avoiding duplicate mapping in  civil-purpose 
mapping, easy access to map and cadastre 
information, achieving standard uniformity in 
* Making the data updating possible. 
* Improving the technical standards. 
* Fast and accurate offering of all kinds of statistical 
data about the information in the system to the users 
and administrator. 
* A rational use and planning of corporate resources 
and facilities. 
In these studies PC ARC/INFO GIS software has been 
used. The software is a vector-based GIS and composed 
of two primary components, ARC and INFO. The former 
is used to store coordinate data and perform all 
operations on that type of data, and letter is a relational 
database management system which is used to store 
and perform operations on attributes, i.e. descriptive 
non-coordinate data. 
The ARC/INFO GIS is built around a data model which is 
typical of many historic and current GIS. Here 
geographic data are organized using a both relational 
and a topological model. This approach facilitates 
handling of the two generic classes of spatial data; 
locational data describing the location and topology of 
points, line and area features; and attribute data 
describing the characteristics of these features. 
This software is the most popular system available in 
Turkey hence advice and support on its use is available. 
It has a wide functionality for data input, storage, 
manipulation, analysis and display. 
Amongst the main aims of the planned pilot projects 
¢ Determine the methods and steps to follow in order 
to form a GIS in rural areas, 
¢ Find out the probable problems that can be 
encountered during formation of such a project: 
¢ Seek lasting solutions, to stress the importance 
and necessity of such a system by displaying the 
capabilities and operations of a GIS, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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