Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

River databases 
The river databases are digital vector databases of the river 
areas of the Netherlands. These databases contain XYZ co- 
ordinates of the most relevant features, like buildings, dikes 
(upper and lower break line) and water lines. 
The XY position of the vector data is basis information for the 
databases, but it is also used for an easier interpretation. 
Opposed to the high way databases, the height information is 
very important for the river databases; each hectare contains at 
least 4 height points, and a large number of breaklines is 
The data is gathered from 1:4000 colour photographs using 
analytical photogrammetric instruments. 
DEM's for high way construction 
For the construction of proposed high ways, DEM's are 
generated. These DEM's consist of several zigzagging strings, 
making a reliable coverage of the terrain. Next to these strings, 
break lines are measured, giving an indication of the most 
relevant height changes in the terrain. A high accuracy of Z co- 
ordinates is characteristic for this product. 
The DEM's are generated with analytical instruments, using 
colour 1:3000 photographs. 
Coastal base maps 
The coastal base maps scale 1:2000 contain mainly contour 
lines and vectors of features of the Dutch coastal area along the 
North Sea shore. This area is roughly limited from the sea water 
line to the fore dunes. 
The map contents is gathered from aerial photographs 1:4000 
and 1:5000. Although digital techniques are used for the 
collection of information, the final product is a hardcopy at 
Beach profiles databases 
For monitoring the movements of sand masses along the Dutch 
sea shore, each 200m a height profile is measured per- 
pendicular to and from the sea water line to the fore dunes. 
These profiles are measured using analytical instruments with 
photographs 1:5000. 
Vegetation maps 
Vegetation maps present the various vegetation types in river 
and coastal areas. Aerial false colour photographs are visually 
interpreted with the help of a mirror stereoscope. The 
vegetation boundaries are manually delineated on a trans- 
parency. In a second stage the transparency's are scanned to 
digital images, vectorised by skelettonizing, and visually 
Road network database 
Besides the above mentioned  'high way database, 
Rijkswaterstaat (AVV) maintains a database with XY co- 
ordinates of all the road axes in the Netherlands, even the 
narrow streets in the cities, accompanied with thematic 
information. The database is primarily used for accident 
This database is assembled and updated by combining all kinds 
of geographical information; photogrammetry is not being used. 
Although this is not a MD product, the MD is to a certain 
extend involved in its development. 
2.3 Customers needs 
We carry out a continuos research to the customer's wishes in 
terms of completeness, accuracy and actuality of our products. 
The current Rijkswaterstaat development from isolated manage- 
ment for only a few tasks to integral management, results in a 
tendency to a need for integral products suitable for these tasks, 
for example databases of river areas with height data, directly 
linked to databases giving information on vegetation types and 
land use. 
Thereby the need for highly accurate data decreases, and the 
need for actual data increases. 
As stated above, the geographical databases are most efficiently 
used in a GIS-environment. 
Finally, the power of new computers gives us the opportunity to 
make visually attractive products, for example bird's-eye-views. 
3.1 The use of digital photogrammetry 
For us, digital photogrammetry is defined as a technique for 
collecting XYZ co-ordinates of objects using digital images. 
The advantages of digital over analytical photogrammetry are 
the possibilities to: 
1. automatically generate DEM's and display data sets in both 
perspective and plan view; 
2. produce digital orthophotos, mosaics and bird's-eye-views; 
3. implement digital image processing functions (contrast 
enhancement, vector on raster overlay, change detection); 
4. interface with GIS software for overlay analysis and 
modelling applications. 
The major drawbacks are data volume, processing speed, costs 
and the lower quality of stereo display (Trinder and Donnelly, 
1996), (Welch, 1992). 
In addition to 'regular' digital photogrammetry with scanned 
aerial photographs, we use video images digitised with a frame- 
grabber as well. These video images are cheaper in use, but less 
accurate. The manner of handling these images for data 
collection is principally equal to the use of scanned 
Another fast, cheap and fairly new technique for DEM 
generation is airborne laserscanning. Using this technique 
delivers DEM's with a height accuracy and point density 
comparative to DEM's generated with digital photogrammetry. 
Laserscanning is cheaper and the DEM's are available in an 
earlier stage after the flights. On the other hand, digital photo- 
grammetry opens the possibility to gather thematic information 
like land use, edges of houses, and to generate orthophotos. 
3.2 Digital Photogrammetric Equipment 
Digital photogrammetric workstations can be subdivided into 
three types (Welch, 1992) (Dowman, 1993): 
a. high-performance workstations providing a complete range 
of photogrammetric tools, like aerotriangulation, DEM- 
generation and editing, orthophoto generation mapping, et 
cetera. Up to now only a few of these workstations are 
available, among these DPW of Leica, Imagestation of 
Intergraph and Phodis of Zeiss; 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 
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