Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

5.1 Hardware aspects 
At present, one high-performance digital-photogrammetric 
workstation is available (DPW-770) and twelve analytical 
instruments. The analytical instruments are intensively used for 
mapping now, and not written of yet. 
This year, our workstation will be used for development of new 
products mainly. In a successive stage, this instrument will be 
used for new products like orthophotos. Gradually digital 
workstations will substitute analytical instruments for mapping 
purposes too, assuming that problems dealing with data storage 
and processing speed are solved. 
The DCCS-system is still used for semi-automatic aero- 
triangulation, although this system is written-off already. 
If our tests of the module for automatic aerotriangulation are 
successful, a stripped version of the DPW-770 will possibly be 
used for aerotriangulation. 
Mapping with lower accuracy can be carried out efficiently on 
relatively cheap pc-systems, like our DVP. A test on vegetation 
mapping with the DVP will be executed in the near future. 
Most likely, positive test results will lead to an operational use 
of pc-systems for (vegetation) mapping afterwards. Up to then, 
the existing process, using stereoscopes, will be continued. 
5.2 Personal consequences 
Essentially the use of digital photogrammetry doesn't decrease 
the annual demand for human-power in our production unit. 
The expected efficiency increase, for example with automatic 
aerotriangulation, will at least be compensated if not out- 
weighed by extra human-power needed for making new 
products. Growth of human-power is expected to be about three 
human-power years annually. 
A change in workflow must be taken into account. Besides an 
extra stage needed for scanning photographs, new operations 
like correcting automatically generated DEM's arise. These 
operations need a change in mind for the operators working 
with the new techniques. 
Digital photogrammetry makes use of new hardware 
components, such as stereo screens, that may be more tiring for 
People working with analytical photogrammetry now, need 
additional training for using digital photogrammetry. A sub- 
division is made for three types of training: 
l. a basic training on digital photogrammetry in general, 
containing subjects like contents and structures of digital 
images, matching, orthophoto generation et cetera. 
This training is meant for all operators working with digital 
2. atraining for operators on specific digital-photogrammetric 
3. an advanced training for a small group of users. These users 
are skilled to solve particular problems dealing with the use 
of digital photogrammetry, for example matching problems. 
In this paper our approach to digital photogrammetry is 
described, focused on our experiences in the past and present. 
Up to now we use the DCCS for semi-automatic aero- 
triangulation. Furthermore, we have purchased a pc-system for 
mapping, and a workstation for research and product 
development and one for product development and production. 
Digital photogrammetry delivers us the opportunity to speed up 
aerotriangulation, to do lower accurate mapping with cheap 
systems, and to generate new products (high dense DEM's, 
orthophotos and bird's-eye-views). The last mentioned gives us 
the chance to wide-out our spectrum of products. The new 
products are primarily used for integral databases for coast and 
river management. 
Finally, the use of digital photogrammetry answers the MD's 
objective to be one of the front liners in the Netherlands in 
using new techniques. 
For the next few years we expect digital photogrammetry to be 
developing into a technique giving us the advantages mentioned 
above. In a later stage, digital-photogrammetric workstations 
can most likely substitute analytical instruments for mapping. 
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C.E. Beers, R.W.L. Jordans, 1995. Vegetation mapping and 
monitoring on different scale levels on the island of Ameland: 
Methodology and preliminary results. BCRS report 93-24, ISBN 
90 5411 100 3 
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Aerial Images. PE&RS, Vol. 62, No. 1, January 1996, pp. 47-55 
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actualiseren van kleinschalige wegenbestanden. Internal MD- 
report, MD-GAR-9518 (in Dutch) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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