Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

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First application is; collecting data from a conventional 
map by means of digitizing in a different media, by 
means of a software which is not a GIS, in the second 
application, digital data of the Harran Plain (Sanhurfa - 
Southwestern part of Turkey), which were obtained by 
private companies by means of photogrammetric 
techniques were used. These two applications, which 
were handled by using different types of data collecting 
techniques, a condition very common in countries of 
development phase like Turkey which should by 
overcome if a GIS project should by implemented, above 
the difficulty of handling this kind of data and given 
necessary hints for an establishment of a GIS-project. In 
the last application, a plot GIS project performed. The 
design and implementation of GIS basically named 
SAKBIS, has been realized in three phases. Data used to 
create database are manually digitized from the 9 maps 
scaled 1/2500 and 1/1000 belongs to Sóke - Ajacli 
Village. The coverage are; Parcel, Build, Water, Way, 
Border, Hedge and Point. Later on different queries and 
analysis are performed and results were presented. One 
of the query example related to the building coverage can 
be seen in the Figure 1. 
3.3. Information System for ITU Ayazaga Campus 
Aim of this study is to show up the importance of the 
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) clarifying basic 
ad hoc aspects and to set up a pilot project on the design 
and implementation of a GIS, named as AKBIS 
(abbreviation of Turkish words *Ayazaja Kampüsü Bilgi 
Sistemi" which means "Information System of Ayazaga 
Campus of Istanbul! Technical University), via the 
software package PC ARC/INFO. 
This study is dedicated to the design and implementation 
of the GIS plot project AKBIS, containing the creation of 
the AKBIS Geographic Database and basic Spatial 
analyses and queries to produce reports and maps 
required. Having been added to this study, some AKBIS 
products obtain are demonstrated in the forms of 
hardcopies and soft copies. 
As quoted before, the design and implementation of a 
GIS named AKBIS has been realized in two phases 
(Tastan, 1993). 
3.4. Urban Information System for Public Works of 
Municipalities have great responsibilities in planning and 
in Implementation of infrastructures that have gotten out 
of control due to high growth rate of cities, limited 
budgets and priority of political decisions over service 
considerations. All functions that contribute to the goals 
of the municipality must be reviewed to determine how a 
geographic information system can be used to assist to 
their improvement. 
In this study, building activities, which are one of the 
urban information system, are modeled at sub 
municipality level in accordance with present building 
and planning regulations and requirement of the city. The 
project is implemented to a chosen pilot area in Istanbul 
- Etiler using PC ARC/INFO . Public works in the city, 
and how they managed, and the problems associated 
with the implementation are determined. For this 
purpose, interviews with the organizations effective in the 
activities were conducted, further more reports, 
correspondence files, map sheets, form used, existing 
public regulations and rules, plans and related footnotes, 
municipality council and committee decisions were 
examined (Alkis, 1993). 
3.5. Information System about Air Pollution 
Environmental problems take the interest only at the 
places where the problems increase in Turkey. Generally 
the interest helps only to determine the degree of the 
problem that is to say the pollution of a local area is tried 
to determine, sometimes master plans and projects are 
made about the preventation. However, the removal or 
the reduction of the pollution can to be obtained. The 
aim of this project for the removal and prevention of the 
pollution has to be to determine the approach has is to 
the subject. By this way the principles, concepts and 
working systematic for the solution of the problem are 
considered (lyidiker, 1995). 
3.6. Producing Data to an Information System used 
for GSM Communication by Digitizing the 
1:250000 Scaled Maps 
This study has been performed to plan the GSM on the 
highways between Istanbul to Ankara by digitizing the 
1:250 000 scaled maps. A five km wide strip has been 
digitized along the highway with 100 m contour lines and 
other map information. ARC Digitizing system of the PC 
ARC/INFO has been used and ARCEDIT and ARCPLOT 
modules support this digitizing process. The information 
are stored in 16 different layers (Atan, et al, 1995). 
A GIS which manages all geographic information using a 
database approach could have benefits for development 
in Turkey. Using the experiences gained from the plot 
projects the problems of introducing a GIS are; 
4.1. Institutional problems 
These are founded on the lack of the relationship 
between institutions. The bureaucracy experienced in 
the data exchange between institutions should be 
avoided and the joint use of data, personnel, software 
and hardware should be encouraged. 
4.2. Current state of mapping 
These are problems relating to areas to mapping. Some 
of the reasons are; 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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