Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B4)

Jordan J.F., and Lorell, J. 1975, Mariner 9: An 
instrument of dynamical science, Icarus, 25, no. 1, pp. 
146-165. i 
Kliore A.J., Cain, D.L., Fjeldbo, G., and others, 1972, 
Mariner 9 S-band Martian occultation experiments: 
Initial results on the atmosphere and topography of 
Mars, Science, 175, no.4019, 313-317. 
Kliore A.J., Fjeldbo, G., Seidel, B.L., and others, 1973, 
S-band radio occultation measurement of the 
atmosphere and topography of Mars with Mariner 9: 
Extended mission coverage of polar and intermediate 
latitudes, JGR, Research, 78, no. 20, pp. 4331-4351. 
Masursky, H., Batson, R.M., Borgeson, W. and others, 
1970, Television experiment for Mariner Mars 1971, 
Icarus, 12, no. 1, pp. 10-45. 
Pettengill G.H., Rogers, A.E.E. and Shapiro, l.l., 1971, 
Martian craters and scarp as seen by radar, Science, 
174, no. 4016, pp. 1321-1324. 
Pettengill, G.H., and Shapiro, |.l., 1973, Topography 
and radar scattering properties of Mars, Icarus, 18, no. 
1, pp. 22-28. 
Richardus, P. and Adler, R.K., 1972, Map projections, 
North Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam, 174p. 
Thomas, P. D., 1964, Conformal projections in 
geodesy and cartography, US Dept. of Comm, Coast 
and Geodetic Survey, SP-251, 142p. 
Uotila, U.A., 1962a, harmonic analysis of world-wide 
gravity material, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 
Helsinki, 24p. 
Uotila, U.A., 1962b, Corrections to gravity formula from 
direct observations and anomalies expressed in lower 
degree spherical harmonics, The Ohio Univ. Tech. 
Paper no. 1058-9, 18p. 
Wu, S.S.C., 1975, Topographic mapping of Mars, US 
geological Survey Interagency Report, Astrogeology 
63, 193p. 
Wu, S.S.C., 1978, Mars synthetic topographic 
mapping, Icarus, 33, no. 3, pp. 417-440. 
Wu, S.S.C., 1981, A method of defining topographic 
datum of planetary bodies, International Review,- 
Annales de Geographsique, Centre National de la 
Recherche Scitifique, Numero 1, Agepa 7-37(1), PP. 
Wu, S.S.C., and Schafer, F.J., 1984, Mars control 
network, ASPRS, Tech. Paper, 50th Meeting, pp. 456- 
Wu, S.S.C,, Elassal, A.A., Jordan, R., and others, 
Photogrammetric application of Viking Orbital 
photography, Planetary and Space Science, 30, no.1, 
Wu, S.S.C., 1984, Error analysis of facsimile camera 
mapping, International Archives of International Society 
for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, XXV-A5, 
Wu, S.S.C., Jordan, R., and Schafer, F.J., 1981, Mars 
1:2million contour mapping problem with Viking Orbiter 
photographs, Report of Planetary Geology Program, 
NASA TM-84211, pp.489-490. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996 

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