Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

The reasons for the measurements mentioned above 
(nuclear and underwater environment) are mainly 
maintenance purposes or incidents. Before these 
problems happen, digital photogrammetry could be very 
helpful to make some tests regarding deformations. 
Typically, ESIC carried out measurements of 
deformations under different temperatures of composite 
components for cars (0/+50°C). 
Another typical application carried out by ESIC is the 
measurement of antennas (-40°C/+60°C) - (see figure 
3.1). For this kind of measurement, the final result is the 
numerical comparison between the different temperatures 
and moreover, some graphical display made of isolines or 
colours (see figure 3.2). 
All the measurements described above are different and 
similar. Different because medium is not always the same 
and the required accuracy is variable. Similar because 
there are all issued from the same problematic : 
isolated sensor measuring through a glass and through 
different media. 
We can easily imagine now, due to the efficiency of the 
digital photogrammetry, a new world for 3D accurate 
measurements : a world hazardous for man but neutral 
(or quite) for CCD sensor ( !). 
This new possibility also opens the way to an interesting 
approach : we are able today to catch a 3D information 
but also a thermal or a gammametric information : we 
should be able soon to synthesise all those information in 
a unique and useful 3D model ! 
We have also a dream for the future (and with the small 
eye of our knowledge) that some interesting measuring 
research aspects concerning the multicamera system 
should allow the real-time, and some robotics research 
aspects should drive us to the fast 3D modelling and the 
data transfer without cables ! 
Please find all figures on a colour page at the end of the volume 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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