Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

d to metric 
esigned for 
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, and there 
the above 
leo images 
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3 distortion 
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uced from 
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n Fig. 4(A), 
radial and 
stimate the 
other lens 
ns by using 
the pixel 
vas 3.5um, 
OF -Light-H 
r Speed 
@ Vertical 
B Horizontal 
A Diagonal 
® Vertical 
8 Horizontal 
A Diagonal 
| no friction 
stand, but 
The target 
above the 
be 2.8m/s, 
image blur 
was improved with the shutter speed. The relative motion 
during exposure was 30 rows In Fig. S(A), 12 in (B), and 
3in(C) Image (D) is one later field(1/60s) of Image 
(C). Vicek(1988) suggested that the relative motion 
during the exposure should not exceed 0.5 pixel for a 
clear image. Although we have not reached 0.5 pixel, we 
expect that relative motion lower than 0.5 pixel will 
provide a clean image without blur. To lower the relative 
motion, a short exposure is mandatory. 
(A) Shutter 1/100s 
(B) Shutter 1/250s 
Fig. 5. Falling Target Images at Various Shutter Speeds. 
5-2 Dynamic Monitoring 
Source Sequential Imaging and Pre-Processing: The 
left and right video images were recorded on each S- 
VHS VCR. Then the VCR was connected to the PC 
installed frame grabber. We planned to use the 
stopwatch’s 1/100s digits as a code for synchronization. 
However its letter size was too small to identify it when it 
was attached to the control frame located close to the 
rear of the car. There was no other alternative than using 
the frame advancing function(1/60s) of the VCR. Before 
capturing the real sequential image, significant 
scenes(e.g. lights on and off, door open and close) were 
designated as milestones. We counted the number of 
fields between each milestone several times. It does not 
exceed 2 field's(1/30s) difference during 10s. In this 
context, we captured every 4" field(1/15s), comprising 
Synchronized sequential images for monitoring the 
movement of a car. The PC works on a S-VGA display 
board, and the resolution of the images captured using 
the frame grabber is 788(H)*468(V). Each captured 
image was saved in TiFF format, its file size is 1.1Mb. 
This image is a 24-bit Band-Interleaved-Pixel(BIP) 
format, and was converted into Band Sequential(BSQ) 
images in the "IDRISI for Windows" format. There were 
no significant image quality differences between the S- 
VHS and VHS video cameras when the images were 
recorded by S-VHS VCRs using the S-Video format. 77 
pairs of sequential images were digitized from S-VHS 
VCR. Image coordinates of three points in each image 
Were processed to determine their object coordinates. 
Sub-Pixel Target Coordinates: The image 
coordinates of the targets were generated from the 
preprocessed video image in four-step process: 
* Noise removal using median filter. 
e Searching window centered a target. 
e  Reclass based on a threshold. 
e Determination of the target center coordinates using 
These processes for the sequential images were 
conducted by batch job using the macro command of 
The enhanced images using median filter showed more 
condensed gray value dispersion than the original images 
in the histogram, and more ideal circle appearance. 
Target windows were detected manually, while the 
threshold was determined from the histogram. The 
change from background to target was clear in the 
histogram, and generally it was very close to the 
threshold [(maximum + mean of gray value)/2] 
suggested by Wong & Ho's(1986). In order to see the 
significance of the threshold, the target coordinates were 
calculated using another threshold (original threshold - 
4), the differences of target center coordinates obtained 
by each threshold were within 0.1 pixel. In Fig. 6., (A) is 
the original target image, (B) its filtered image, and (C) its 
reclassed image. It was known that image enhancement 
causes target shift to some extent. In this test, the mean 
difference between two was nearly zero, and the 
maximum difference was 0.02 pixel in 20 targets. 
(A) (B) 
Fig. 6. Images of Circular Target 
3-D Object Coordinates: For 3-dimensional tracking of 
the targets in each image sequence, we prepared image 
coordinates of all control points and targets in the first 
image. Under the assumption that the control frame was 
fixed, the target coordinates were only prepared in the 
remaining image sequences. This tracking scheme 
reduces the work from obtaining image coordinates to 
running the program. As described in section 3-2, DLT 
and UNBASC2 could be used to derive 3-dimensional 
object coordinates using non-metric image coordinates. 
While DLT affords pixel unit as a input data, UNBASC2 
requires metric units. Pixel units may be considered as 
comparator coordinates having different scales for each 
axis, but UNBASC2 failed to obtain the object 
coordinates. Therefore, the pixel sizes of the two cameras 
were derived by trial and error. UNBASC2 then provided 
more accurate results than DLT in the test image. 
However, DLT was used for this experiment because it 
can cope with sequential data that may recourse to the 
same position in another sequence when above tracking 
scheme was adopted. 
It is well known that the imaging geometry plays a great 
role in determining the accuracy. When the imaging 
geometry is ill conditioned, the accuracy of DLT 
becomes worse when increasing the number of 
parameters. Fig. 7 shows the average root mean square 
errors of DLT(12 unknown parameters) for different B/D 
ratios. Just 20 control points were used as image 
coordinates. In the adopted coordinate system, the base 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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