Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

it can not be taken like a central 
- Photo 3.: Dicomed DDC 7520 
Concerning its really existing 
disadvantages from the point view of 
photogrammetry it is to its great 
advantage that the sensor row motor 
impulse is refined and that is why the 
scanning of it 1s much higher than the 
usual values 7520x6000 image points (in 
contradiction to Kodak DCS 420 which 
has 1524x1012 image points). In case of 
our problem its disadvantages dont make 
the solution impossible for our photos 
has been taken under the circumstances 
of a laboratory and of motionless 
objects. The special solution of the 
instrument assumes that the accuracy 
values of the image co-ordinates are not 
equal along the two axes. Our 
admittance was proved by processing 
the data of a flat test-field which is 
parallel with one image plan that is why 
the accuracy of the x,y values of the 
image co-ordinates were characterized 
by different values, later. 
3.2 Image evaluation 
The applied technology determines the 
method of gaining of image co- 
ordinates. PK1 monocomparator was 
used for the analytical process of our 
images and contour line evaluation was 
made by a DSR1 analytic stereoplotter. 
Gaining of image co-ordinates is a 
demand also at digital stocks in case 
when the further process is analytical. 
The task was solved by a spatial 
information workstation using a general 
cope spatial information sofwear. 
During the determination of image co- 
ordinates firstly we had blown up the 
images with an accuracy below of a 
pixel and afterwards we made a 
measurement of image co-ordinates and 
for the precise positioning spider lines 
were used with control steering in 
several windows. The digitalization of 
non-metric images needs scanning and 
this problem was solved by a Kodak 
narrow film scanner. 
The minimum input data of bundle 
adjustment are given by the image co- 
ordinates in the image co-ordinate 
system and the object space co-ordinates 
of the control points. In place of control 
point co-ordinates we can display in 
adjustment geodetic measurement result, 
too. We did not use metric cameras so 
we could make the previous 
transformation of the image co-ordinates 
by setting them into the negativ frame. 
As a consequence the co-ordinates of the 
principal ponit of camera were 
considered unknown in our calculations 
and in the case of digital stocks we had 
to prohibit the additional limitation of 
the images in the technological 
As it was mentioned above we applied 
two different test-fields. In the first case 
we had several but inaccurate control 
points. This inaccuracy is due to the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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