Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

site computer. The photogrammetric approach requires but one 
camera and a flash. In terms of the time required to collect the 
data the photogrammetric approach required but 20 minutes. 
This represents an 18 fold saving on the estimated theodolite 
triangulation case. 
In this project it was fortunate that there was no requirement for 
online coordinate determination. Had this been the case then 
the digital photogrammetric method would have undoubtedly 
proven to be unsuitable. Projects which require “real time” 
coordinates will remain the domain of theodolite triangulation 
systems until digital photogrammetry can match the theodolite 
systems. The likelihood of this *real time" aspect developing is 
remote given that by their very nature these systems are based 
on single sensors and multiple exposures. What is perhaps 
more plausible is the likelihood that these systems will become 
streamlined to a point where the time lag between collection 
and coordinate determination will be acceptable for the majority 
of applications 
Having established a methodology it was necessary to verify 
that the accuracy requirements could be met. This was 
accomplished through the use of a network simulation (Fraser, 
1984) to design and analyse the photogrammetric network. 
Utilising approximate camera station positions and likely target 
locations, plus the expected measurements and their respective 
precision, it is possible to estimate the likely precision of all 
coordinates. No actual measurements are required at this stage, 
the results of the simulation are purely based on the geometry of 
the networks and the types and precision of measurements. 
The coordinate precisions obtained from the simulation are a 
very useful diagnostic tool for the design, and re-design, of the 
photogrammetric network. The specified tolerance for the 
design dimension determinations was set at +0.5mm. To be 
confident of meeting such a tolerance, the precision of 
coordinate measurements should be of the order of £0.15mm at 
the one sigma level. 
Based on a network of 9 camera stations with 2 exposures at 
each station the simulation yielded an object space accuracy of 
the order of £0.1mm. Using the results of the simulation it was 
possible to compute the minimum target diameter necessary to 
satisfy the requirements for centroid determination. The size of 
these targets is computed using the lens focal length, the 
average object distance and the minimum desirable image 
diameter. Based on a minimum target image diameter of four 
pixels it was determined that 22mm diameter targets would be 
Once the object was available for data collection the targets 
were applied to the pre-defined locations (see Figure 5). These 
target locations were determined interactively during the 
simulation process. The target placement is a mix of pre- 
selected primary locations to define surfaces and circles, and 
secondary locations selected on-site to strengthen the 
photogrammetric network and fill the format of the still video 
An unforseen complication was the location of the drive 
components of the gantry crane. The location of these 
components prevented an unobstructed view of the factory floor 
on one side. This tended to bias the network of camera stations, 
as the crane had to be driven further to one side than expected 
to obtain adequate coverage of the hopper. For the first epoch 
of photography this forced some rapid changes to the initial 
network design. Additional camera stations were included to 
compensate for what would otherwise be a weaker network, 
leading to 11 stations with an average of 2 exposures per 
For the second epoch a new design was adapted to overcome 
the physical limitations of the environment. The original 
number of 9 camera stations was employed, but in this case 
biased to compensate for the weakness detected in the first 
network. In essence, more camera stations were used on the 
more distant side of the network. 
A small selection of frames were measured manually on site to 
facilitate the computation of initial target and station 
coordinates. These coordinates formed the basis of the 
resection process utilised to measure the remaining frames 
semi-automatically. The resection is almost entirely automatic 
except for the initial target identification needed to orientate the 
frame. All image locations were computed using an intensity 
weighted centroid algorithm. Thresholds were computed in a 
16 by 16 pixel window for each target using the pixel intensity 
values (Shortis et al, 1994). 
Following image mensuration, restitution via bundle 
triangulation takes place. This least-squares estimation 
operation essentially reconstructs 3D XYZ data from 2D image 
measurements, while at the same time providing a self 
calibration of the camera and the precisions of the target 
coordinate data. 
Due to changes in the design of the networks, changes in the 
flash exposure intensity and changes in the quality of some 
target images, the two networks gave markedly different results. 
As can be seen from Table 1, the image space precision for the 
second epoch is significantly improved. 
Result Epoch 1 Epoch 2 
Image space RMS error (pixels) 0.044 0.032 
Number of digital images 22 18 
Number of targets 63 62 
Mean object space precision (mm) 0.16 0.17 
Relative accuracy 1:58,000 / 1:50,000 
Min. object space precision (mm) 0.07 0.07 
Max. object space precision (mm) 0.56 1,01) 
Table 1. Results of photogrammetric network computations 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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