Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

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grid projection 
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calibration frame 
fig.2: recording configuration 
In order to assign the bipupil-line, the patients were 
requested to focus on a distant point during recor- 
ding. Emphasizing anatomical landmarks, such as 
infraorbital borders or median line, makes it easier to 
compare prae- and post-therapeutical conditions 
We used 4 CCD-Cameras with a 2/3" sensor 
(768*484 pixel = 8.91*6.58 mm?) and 16 mm 
lenses (fig.4). The images can be controlled imme- 
diately on the screen (on-line) and can be repeated 
right away if necessary. Amongst other things the 
quality of the digital image (sufficient contrast and 
brightness) has to be taken into account. One has to 
ensure that the surface is measured comprehensively 
without covering up important details, excluding sha- 
dows and overlapping (fig.5). The pictures can be 
stored on harddisk in conventional image formates 
(e.g. TIFF, BMP). A capacity of about 1,8 MByte for 
4 images is needed. In pictures with various points of 
view the natural structure of the human skin is 
insufficient to identify obvious points on the surface. 
That's why a projection of regular patterns is 
needed. We tested different numbers, forms and 
sizes of lines, cross-lines and point patterns. It is also 
necessary to illuminate the whole face in consistent 
distribution avoidung extended shadowy areas. 
3.2 Digital Evaluation System 
Depending on the recording configuration the fol- 
lowing procedures take place: 
The relative positions of the cameras to one another 
and their absolute position are unknown. Therefore 
the external orientation must be determined by means 
of a bundle adjustement, such as CAP (Combined Ad- 
justement Program), with the help of a calibration 
field (Hinsken, 1989). The internal orientation can be 
determined within a simultanous calibration. 
If the internal and external orientations are already 
known by advanced calibration, the object coordi- 
nates can be assigned with a spatial forward inter- 
section. Measurement of image coordinates (fig.6) is 
carried out with a specific module of the image pro- 
cessing program PHAUST  (Photogrammetrische 
Auswerte Station, Woytowicz, 1993). 
First the measurement images are correlated. The 
semi-automatic point measurement is performed by 
elliptical and center-of-gravity operators to determine 
the image coordinates. The next step is the 
calculation of object coordinates either by bundle 
adjustment or spatial intersection. 
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Ins infraorbital poin 
angle of the jaw 
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fig.3: anatomical reference points 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
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