Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

water surface 
glas window f= 
m D adiuti miei A 
oxi ert stop | 
scattering plate 
LED array 
CCD camera — | 
uu s 
water tight housing 
flume bottom 
Figure 3: Sketch drawing of the optical bubble measuring device. 
The left tower contains the illumination optics with the pulsed 
LED array, the right tower contains the camera together with the 
imaging optics. The height of the towers can be adjusted from 
45 to 100 cm to allow measurements in different distances to the 
mean water surface. 
less than 1000 um are of nearly spherical shape and therefore 
imaged as dark circles (Fig. 4). 
The illumination consists of an array of LED's. Synchro- 
nized with the image acquisition, they were pulsed with a 
duration of 20 us. In addition, the camera is shuttered to 
an acquisition time of 1/2000 s to completely suppress scat- 
tered light from the environment. The short illumination time 
avoids any motion blur in the images of fast moving bubbles. 
With a single pixel imaging an area of 10.1 um x 16.7 um, 
bubble velocities up to 0.5 m/s in x-direction and 0.8 m/s in 
y-direction cause motion blur of less than one pixel. Since 
typical bubble velocities are less than 30cm/s and do not 
exceed 1 m/s motion blur is nearly completely suppressed. 
Image sequences of 5000 to 8000 images were taken for each 
measuring condition. They were stored on laser video discs 
for later processing. 
3.2 Position ambiguity 
A principal problem of depth-from-focus is that it is not pos- 
sible to distinguish whether a bubble is located in front or 
behind the focal plane. The calculation of the true size of 
a bubble from its blurred size and the amount of blur may 
therefore result in an ambiguity of the radius measurement. 
To overcome this problem, we use a telecentric path of rays 
both on the illumination side as well as on the camera side. 
With this setup, the aperture stop is located at the rear focal 
point of the respective optics. The effect is that all princi- 
pal rays in object space are parallel to the optical axis. Only 
narrow and axis-parallel ray bundles contribute to image for- 
mation. Then, the size of blurred bubbles becomes indepen- 
dent from the grade of the blur or the location along the 
optical axis. The size of a blurred bubble is hereby defined 
at the gray values that are the half of the maximum gray 
value. Furthermore, the grade of blurring becomes indepen- 
dent from whether the position is in front or behind the focal 
On 1000p 20004 30004 4000p 5000p 
ou 1000u 2000p 3000u 5000p 
Figure 4: Two images taken with the IBG device. Both well 
focused as well as out of focus bubbles can be seen. The bright 
spot which can be seen in the center of well focused bubbles arises 
from the small fraction of light (less than 0.1 %) which passes 
through the bubble. 
plane. Because of the symmetry introduced by the telecen- 
tric path of rays, the position ambivalence can be completely 
disregarded in the measurements. 
defocused focused 
object point 
— optical axis 
ree principal ray for telecentric stop 
== marginal rays for telecentric stop 
z principal rays for stop at lens 
lens telecentric stop CCD 
Figure 5: Comparison of standard and of telecentric path of rays: 
the displacement of an object point along the optical axis causes 
changes in the size of the image only with standard optics, but not 
with telecentric path of rays. 
The processing of the images to determine the size distrib- 
ution consists of two main steps: segmentation and depth- 
from-focus. Before these steps are performed, a brightness 
normalization is applied to the images to eliminate inhomo- 
geneities and brightness variations of the illumination. 
4.1 Brightness normalization 
A good understanding of the image formation process and 
a normalization of the gray values, which is independent of 
brightness fluctuations and inhomogeneities is an essential 
requirement for the depth-from-focus technique. The nor- 
malization is done by applying a linear illumination model 
assuming that the measured gray values g(&) are further pro- 
portional to the irradiance I(Z). Then 
g(z) — a(z)1(z) 4 b(z). (2) 
The unknown quantities b(Z) and a(&) are obtained by tak- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 
ing a backgro 
(I(Z) = 0) ar 
present (I(z) 
If we describe 
r(X) in the 
ordinates and 
their image is 
with v(Z) des 
Then, the lin: 
AL 9 
(E) = 0. @) 
results in a ne 
4.2 Segme 
The image pr 
objects from 
(blurred) size 
been perform 
particle size. 
the objects tc 
is not a priori 
to be at these 
the 1/g-th of 
used to segm 
combines a p 
algorithm. E 
measuring vo 
the normalize 
the plateau s 
distance from 
the size of th 
reason it is nc 
the blurred in 
which may b 
0.44 = 
Figure 6: D. 
As an example 
given by the i

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