Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B5)

u 5000p 
| device. Both well 
e seen. The bright 
cused bubbles arises 
.1%) which passes 
sd by the telecen- 
can be completely 
tric stop CCD 
centric path of rays: 
optical axis causes 
dard optics, but not 
e the size distrib- 
tation and depth- 
med, a brightness 
eliminate inhomo- 
ation process and 
is independent of 
es is an essential 
hnique. The nor- 
lumination model 
3) are further pro- 
à obtained by tak- 
ing a background image gs (Z) with illumination switched off 
(I(@) = 0) and a zero image gz(Z) in which no bubbles are 
present (I(Z) — Io(x)). 
If we describe the objects by their light absorbing coefficient 
r(X) in the object plane (capitals denote object plane co- 
ordinates and small letters denote image plane coordinates) 
their image is given by : 
with v(Z) describing vignetting and Vz being the magnifica- 
Then, the linear inhomogeneous point operation 
n) — 0D = 9) ; Io(z) (7) en 
results in a normalized gray value n in the range of 0 to 1. 
4.2 Segmentation 
The image processing step of the segmentation distinguishes 
objects from the background and calculates their apparent 
(blurred) size. After the depth-from-focus calculation has 
been performed, the apparent size is corrected to the true 
particle size. Because blur causes the originally step edges of 
the objects to become flat, the boundary of a blurred object 
is not a priori well defined. Therefore we define the boundary 
to be at these locations where the gray value has decreased to 
the 1/g-th of the maximum gray value (Fig. 6). The method 
used to segment the bubbles is a two-step approach which 
combines a pre-segmentation step with a fast region growing 
algorithm. Bubbles within the largest possible size of the 
measuring volume show a plateau with a gray value of 1 in 
the normalized image. At the very border of that volume, 
the plateau shrinks to a single point. Beyond this maximum 
distance from the focal plane, the width of the PSF exceeds 
the size of the (well-focused) image of the bubble. For that 
reason it is no longer possible to calculate size and depth from 
the blurred image and therefore it is not necessary for the pre- 
segmentation to detect those bubbles. Because all bubbles 
which may be within the measuring volume have to show a 
= We 
04 TN = fp A 
Figure 6: Definition of the 1/q-area as the size of blurred objects. 
As an example, the image shows a blurred object and it’s boundary 
given by the intersection with the 1/q = 0.4 plane. 
maximum gray value of about 1 and the background has been 
made uniform by the normalization, pre-segmentation can be 
carried out by a global thresholding. It is important to note 
that the value of the threshold does not affect the result of the 
segmentation, since it is guaranteed that all bubbles within 
the measuring volume are found as long as the threshold is 
within a sensible range, e.g. 0.2 to 0.8. 
The exact boundary of a bubble is found by the sec- 
ond step, the region-growing algorithm. This algorithm is 
a modification of a region growing method developed by 
[Hering et. al, 95] and shall be briefly described here. The ini- 
tial step of a region growing segmentation is the detection of 
seeding points as starting locations for the growing. With our 
algorithm, seeding points are defined as the location of the 
gray value maximum of each object. The image is smoothed 
by a small binomial filter to reduce noise and therefore avoid 
mislocating the maximum due to random noise peaks. The 
region growing phase starts with each seed defining different 
objects, which consists of this single pixel each. Pixels are 
than added to the objects if their gray value is larger as 1/q 
times the gray value of the initial seeding point and if they are 
8-neighbors of the current boundary line of the object. The 
growing phase stops if no new object pixels can be found. 
The region growing procedure causes the objects to be con- 
nected and to have the correct size regardless of their size in 
the starting image provided by the thresholding. Fig.7 shows 
the final result of the segmentation for several bubbles. 
Figure 7: Final segmentation result of two images. The gray lines 
indicate the boundary of the particles (obtained with 1/q — 1/e). 
4.3 Depth-from-Focus 
A usual approach for depth-from-focus is to calculate a mea- 
sure of blur at each image point. Thus a depth-map of the 
image can be calculated which contains the distance from fo- 
cal plane for each pixel. This is only possible if more than one 
image of the same scene is available, due to the impossibility 
to distinguish between PSF and object function from the gray 
value image. À modification of this approach for one-image 
depth-from-focus has been given by [Lai et al.,92] who uses 
the assumption of a Gaussian shaped PSF. At step edges the 
standard deviation of the Gaussian is estimated and at these 
points a depth map is calculated. Different from calculating a 
depth-map, our approach performs the object detection first 
and then does an object-oriented depth-from-focus, measur- 
ing the amount of blur of complete objects. This allows for a 
fast depth determination, suitable for the evaluation of long 
image sequences. 
A good integral measure of the blur of a particle is the mean 
gray value gm on the segmented area. With increasing blur- 
ring, the edges of the particles become less steep and there- 
fore the mean gray value decreases (Fig.8 and 11). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996 

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