gray value gray value gray value
| Fe B i
| | position / position ~ | position
| A ^ ge [45^ cdd
| » l/e diameter b | :
Figure 8: Radial cross section through the gray value distribution
of bubbles at different distance from the focal plane. The distance
increases from left to right.
The fact that the shape of the point-spread-function is inde-
pendent of the distance z allows the PSF to be expressed in
terms of a general shape function B(z) and a scaling factor
PSF,(Z) - kB (+257) (5)
with the normalization factor k=! = f dz B(z). At the focal
plane (z — 0) V, is zero, resulting in a delta function for the
PSF. This can be used to analyze the behavior of g,, in more
All bubbles with the same ratio between the radius r' and
the size V, of the point spread function have the same mean
gray value gm, because their images differ only in size and
are of the same shape. Thereby r' — V;(z)r is the radius of
the well focus object of radius r on the image plane. Thus
= const & gm = const. (6)
Denoting the constant in the above equation by y(gm)
and resolving the mean gray value is given by gm (z,7) =
y (e and therefore
gm (2, T) — gm (72) (7)
If we use a telecentric path of rays the magnification V, be-
comes independ from z and with the use of q — 1/2 for
segmentation the 1/q-area represents the true size of the
particles. Furthermore, V5(z) is then a symmetric and linear
function of z. Therefore, gm depends only on the normalized
distance z/r:
Im) SV (4) E Um (=) (8)
Calculating bubble size distributions from the image se-
quences with the depth from focus approach requires that the
instrument is carefully calibrated with a focus series of cali-
bration targets of known size. Patterson reticles were used as
calibration targets. This standard target for microscopic cali-
bration consists of a series of black circles in a diameter range
from 18 um up to 450 um on a glass plate (Fig. 9). Because
Patterson globes are not absolutely accurate, the true size
of each circle has to be measured independently, e.g. using
a calibrated microscope. A black circle is a very good ap-
proximation of the focused image of a bubble, since with the
optical setup used in the experiments more than 99.6 % of
the incident light is scattered away from the receiver. Nev.
ertheless, the bright dot which appears in the center of well
focused bubbles can be easily removed by applying a median
filter to the normalized image. Depth series centered at the
Figure 9: Partial view of the calibration target.
focal plane are taken with a step size of 1 mm. Fig. 10 shows
the radii measured from different circles of the Patterson tar-
get. Within the measuring volume, the difference between
the measured and the true radius in in the order of 10 to 15
pm, which is about the size of one pixel. The variation of the
mean gray value with increasing depth is shown in Fig. 11. A
linear model g(z, r) — go — a(r)|z| fits well to the data. Be-
cause a small axis offset and slight tilt of the target can often
not be avoided, the axis offset for each circle is corrected by
finding the center of symmetry in its depth series.
= 160
8 140
= 120
T 10
2 —li— Q 450 um
2 80
s —9— 6 350 um
= 60 —A—@ 270 pm
—— 0 225 um
40 —$— 9180 um
—+— 6 144 um
20 —— D 108 um
—X— 9 72 um
-8 -6 -4 2 0 2 4 6 8
distance z from focal plane [mm]
Figure 10: Independence of the size of blurred bubbles with the
distance from the focal plane. The thin lines indicate the maximum
size of the virtual measuring volume.
6.1 Determination of the measuring volume
The decrease of the mean gray value with increasing distance
from the focal plane can now be used to define the measuring
volume by a lower limit for g,». Only bubbles with mean gray
values above this limit are taken into account for the calcu-
lation of the size distribution. Thus the linear dependence of
gm on the normalized distance
glz,r) = go - alr)lz| = go as (©)
gives the volume boundary:
1 T
MAT ET = 7 — 9min) = — — OUmin)- 10
z m (90 — min.) = (go — Gmin) (10)
The measuring volume is then given by
Vir) = 225»az(T)49 (11)
with Ag being the area imaged by the CCD at the focal plane.
The depth of the volume is controlled by the parameter grin.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996
normalized mean gray value
distance z fron
Figure 11: lef
terson globes; rig
z/R. This valida
It is important
size and increas:
cle becomes les:
image is convoh
6.2 Calculatic
As mentioned a
particle size cai
of the images.
cated at the sar
plane, the intrii
lence in the dey
completely. Th
where the apert
of the lens syste
size does not n
there is a uniqu
z of an object
the segmented
[Geißler and Jäl
rameters are ob
values of the ot
ular grid in the
fast look-up tal
6.3 Size distr
Segmentation a
of position and
The data from
calculate size d
of an image se
segmentation a
Figure 12: R
The dark gray li