3.4 Final map
Mono and stereoplotting, together with topographic data
processing resulted in files to be merged into a unique
map (fig. 8) with the help of the referencing network.
Many overlapping areas and graphic redundancies
preserved the integrity of the process. Adjustment
computation and a last check mission ensured the final
accuracy of the map (ground r.m.s. about 2 cm).
The choice of a small format camera was made on
economical and practical grounds. A conventional
photogrammetric camera and its equipment often seems
unaffordable when budgeting an archeological survey. In
this case, a less sophisticated instrument can be
suitable provided its characteristics and its deviations
from the theoretical model are known.
It was proved that a careful use of the camera within its
limits and a thorough monitoring of the various
processes can fully take up the challenge, not only from
a costs and schedules point of view, but also in terms of
map accuracy and quality.
The authors are most grateful to Professor Robert
Etienne, head of the French Archeological Missions in
Romania, for his support and trust.
We would also like to thank his counterparts from Cluj
University, Professors loan Piso and Alexandru
Diaconescu, and their team, for their kind collaboration.
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Saint Aubin, J.-P., 1992. Le relevé et la représentation
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B5. Vienna 1996
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